Usually I have no problem connecting usb modem using plasma network applet. But after last update it won't connected anymore. Strange, wlan work flawlessly. Is it possible if I use Mobile Partner driver? Or should I wait for next update, or reinstall using new iso?
(SOLVED) USB Modem Won't Connected After Update
Reinstall not needed on rolling distro, besides, you'll get the same pakages.
Checked journalctl or dmesg for any usable error messages? What was updated?
plasma nm cannot find the ttyUSB2, it tries to connect my modem but it can't. if i connected since startup it will ask for password, is it kwallet problem? i try to sudo pacman -Syu, and see what will happen. if it ain't fix, i try the new iso. if it still won't connected i will reinstal using older iso. and wait for kf5 before updating. thanks for fast response demm, i won't give up so easily.
There is a new plasma-nm in apps, it should fix password issues.
ah plasma-nm really fix password issues, but it still won't connect my usb modem. at least i could use wlan to surf the web. now i'm downloading new iso, with finger crossed. i'll tell the result once i reinstall. thanks anyway. at least once i download it, i could make a good use for it on the new notebook i just bought.
i found the culprit. when i cannot connect usb modem after update, i shouldn't install mobilepartner. i knew it wll mess up the system. i should wait for another update. now i have to reinstall. thanks demm. i'm sorry to bother you. wish you good luck with kf5. can't wait to run on my system.
Can you rephrase what the issue is?
after running pacman -Syu before two last update, i realize that my usb modem refuse to connect. ussually it will connect with no hassle. instead of waiting for the next update, (after posting my problem to this forum) i installed mobilepartner linux. i know it will move my modem ttyUSB0 to ttyUSB2 and now i can't connect at all. my problem is now i can't purge mobilepartner linux and do the same ways i did on archlinux to revert to nm. why? since some package doesn't exist on KaOS repository.
i know i should wait for the next update before, but what the hell, maybe it was time to wipe windows partition since i never open it at all (i keep it for friend to show that linux could live side by side with windows). thanks demm, sorry to bother you. promise i will wait for next update before doing any harm to my system.
Ok I installed the KaOS 2014.08 and still, my USB modem won't connected to the internet. At least I still have wlan connection, so now I'll be a good boy and hope next update would bring miracle to my USB modem.
Without logs, journalctl or dmesg messages, errors shown on connecting, there is nothing that can be done to figure your issue, and/or do the needed rebuilds.
maybe the problem cause by the kdeutils-kwallet with kdeutils-kdewalletmanager and libusbx with libusb update. I have and old sony vaio running 2014.01 that still working good, it detected usb modem. but when i run 2014.08 live dvd, network manager won't connect my modem. i don't know which cause the problem. so i install 2014.08 on my new asus x4500c, since it only has 2 usb port. so i have to choose between active speaker and usb modem (because the usb modem was big), it won't fit side by side with the speaker usb connector. i have no guts to update my old laptop, especially since someone has report an error problem.
Just remember, a rolling distro is only stable as long as it rolls, not updating will break your install eventually. Either by being totally vulnarable to security issues, or when you need to install a new application/newer version of an application.
Installing without pacman -Syu will result in mismatched versions of needed libraries. Thus applications no longer running, or system unbale to boot for lack of missng correct libs.
yeah, ma'am you're right. i tried to run kcp -i packagename, but it spit out make error. i will update, but i think i will wait for the next release that compatible with my usb modem. at least i have a new notebook for testing new release.
Read the Guides linked under FAQ and KCP on the website. Kcp has nothing to do with sytem updates, nor is any of it KaOS maintained.
but kcp need make, and if i didn't update the system it won't create the package. it's not kcp error but make error.
Closing this topic, it has been marked as solved for a while, recent posts have nothing to do with original post.
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