trying to install Google-Chrome on a fresh install and i cannot............................ yes my internet is working................just did a huge update first after install, then tried install chrome................same error with terminal and octopi

here is terminal output

resolving dependencies...

looking for inter-conflicts...

Packages (9):

Name New Version Net Change Download Size

main/atk 2.12.0-1 3.86 MiB

main/gconf 3.2.6-3 8.15 MiB

main/gtk-update-icon-cache 2.24.25-1 0.04 MiB

main/gtk2 2.24.25-1 34.75 MiB

main/libidl2 0.8.14-8 0.55 MiB

main/mozilla-common 1.4-3 0.01 MiB

main/orbit2 2.14.19-3 1.88 MiB

apps/flashplugin 22.78 MiB

apps/google-chrome 40.0.2194.2-1 176.11 MiB 46.20 MiB

Total Download Size: 46.20 MiB

Total Installed Size: 248.13 MiB

:: Proceed with installation?

:: Retrieving packages ...

error: failed retrieving file 'google-chrome-40.0.2194.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' from : The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

error: failed retrieving file 'google-chrome-40.0.2194.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' from : The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

error: failed retrieving file 'google-chrome-40.0.2194.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' from : The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

warning: failed to retrieve some files

error: failed to commit transaction (download library error)

Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Press any key to continue...

There is a package mirror-check and octopi runs a mirror-check on opening, plus has a button to re-check. Packages do get moved from the build repo to stable, if you update/install right when such a move happens, your mirror will not be synced, or the database is not available for about 60-90 seconds (in this case, 185 packages were moved, so it took about 70 seconds to get the needed databases up)

I can understand this is unacceptable for some and running mirror-check on such an error is out of the question to do, but KaOS never pretended to be a distro for any and all users. A small, rolling distro does require some common tasks from users. If those tasks are too much, there are many much bigger, fully geared to the user who wants all automated, distros available.

Or if you ever see such an error again, wait a few minutes, run mirror-check before pacman -Syu again, and the download will finish.