Installed pacman- from core repository

When I try to open in konsole

Sudo pacman I get error no operation specified..Tried help still no open

sudo pacman -syu I get error invalid operation

This includes other command from the pacman tutorial

I want to open and use pacman

pacman is part of the default install, there is no KaOS possible without it. How did you manage to remove it in the first place?

Show your /var/log/pacman.log, so it is clear what you are doing.

Best to show your /etc/pacman.conf too.

Plus pastebin the full command and output of what you mentioned above (output of pacman -Syu and pacman -S)

Plus, right command is :

sudo pacman -Syu

(not -syu)

Best read the pacman tutorial too:

I used the terminal to "sudo pacman -Syu"

It synchronized core,main,apps

Then it installed full system upgrade ..17 programs

Sudo pacman -Syy only synchronized core,main,apps then returned to prompt

I have not only read but printed the tutorial so to have constant reference before I ask for help

I did not delete anything I tried opening from terminal

I have an icon of pacman also a file in /usr/bin/pacman

When clicking on pacman should there be a window open..there is none

Hey Phill.

Do you mean Octopi? You can't click on pacman to open a window. Pacman (Pacman = PACkage MANager) is a command-line based application. Octopi is a GUI package manager. Here are a few tutorials.

Cheers.... ;)

Pacman being cli and Octopi being gui answers a lot of questions

I used Octopi to download updates and a couple of programs

Still some confusion why Pacman has an icon and file in /usr/bin

About all files in /usr/bin have the "exe" icon, that doesn't mean they all have a GUI, many more are cli only apps, commonly used examples for that, sed, grep, mv, cp and so on.