# pacman -Rns qupzilla

checking dependencies...

Packages (31):

Name Old Version Net Change

karchive 5.2.0-1 -0.31 MiB

kauth 5.2.0-1 -1.24 MiB

kcodecs 5.2.0-1 -1.33 MiB

kconfig 5.2.0-1 -1.99 MiB

kconfigwidgets 5.2.0-1 -1.93 MiB

kcoreaddons 5.2.0-1 -2.32 MiB

kcrash 5.2.0-1 -0.08 MiB

kdbusaddons 5.2.0-1 -0.47 MiB

kguiaddons 5.2.0-1 -0.20 MiB

ki18n 5.2.0-1 -16.10 MiB

kiconthemes 5.2.0-1 -1.14 MiB

kitemviews 5.2.0-1 -1.19 MiB

kjs 5.2.0-1 -1.60 MiB

knotifications 5.2.0-1 -1.32 MiB

kservice 5.2.0-1 -1.99 MiB

kwallet 5.2.0-1 -0.70 MiB

kwidgetsaddons 5.2.0-1 -9.35 MiB

kwindowsystem 5.2.0-1 -1.38 MiB

libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+14.10.20140619-1 -0.27 MiB

phonon-qt5 4.8.2-1 -1.12 MiB

phonon-qt5-backend-gstreamer 4.8.0-1 -0.38 MiB

polkit-qt5 0.112.0-2 -0.33 MiB

qt5-imageformats 5.3.2-1 -0.86 MiB

qt5-location 5.3.2-1 -0.62 MiB

qt5-quickcontrols 5.3.2-1 -2.27 MiB

qt5-sensors 5.3.2-1 -0.92 MiB

qt5-serialport 5.3.2-1 -0.26 MiB

qt5-svg 5.3.2-1 -0.52 MiB

qt5-webkit 5.3.2-2 -35.88 MiB

qt5-x11extras 5.3.2-1 -0.08 MiB

qupzilla -14.23 MiB

Total Removed Size: 102.42 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] n

Doesn't seem normal to me, or is it?

Completely normal, -Rns removes the package, and any that package depends on not needed by others. Ir you want to keep all those depends, then remove with -R only. Biggest part you see is the new kf5 packages (mostly old kdelibs split up), qupzilla can use them, for the rest not much in the stable repos that can.

I went with what I read here:

Finally, to remove the package, avoid orphaned dependencies and erase its global configuration, type

sudo pacman -Rns package_name

which in most cases is the proper command to remove software.

Perhaps I misunderstood "orphaned dependencies", I thought that meant packages not needed by anything.

From man pacman:


-c, --cascade

Remove all target packages, as well as all packages that depend on one or more target packages. This operation is recursive, and must be used with care since it can remove many potentially needed packages.

-n, --nosave

Instructs pacman to ignore file backup designations. Normally, when a file is removed from the system the database is checked to see if the file should be renamed with a .pacsave extension.

-s, --recursive

Remove each target specified including all of their dependencies, provided that (A) they are not required by other packages; and (B) they were not explicitly installed by the user. This operation is recursive and analogous to a backwards --sync

operation, and helps keep a clean system without orphans. If you want to omit condition (B), pass this option twice.

-u, --unneeded

Removes targets that are not required by any other packages. This is mostly useful when removing a group without using the -c option, to avoid breaking any dependencies.

Would pacman -Rnu be a better idea?

# pacman -Rnu qupzilla

checking dependencies...

Packages (1):

Name Old Version Net Change

qupzilla -14.23 MiB

Total Removed Size: 14.23 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n]

Seems so. However, I'm still not sure I fully understand yet.

Pacman works completely different from the package managers I've worked with so far so I'm not entirely sure what the differences between the options are.

Simple rule, always safe, just use pacman -R, unless you are absolute sure you have no need for the depending packages.

Oh and...kf5 packages? I don't see that in the list. Did you mean the qt5 stuff?

What I do see for example is phonon, which I know has to do with sound.

karchive sounds to me like something Ark would need.

kauth...the authentication system?

All kf5 packages, just run "pacman -Sii package_name" on any of them, you'll see they are all part of the "kf5" group, needing Qt5, nothing in KDE 4 depends on Qt5.

I'd never heard of kf5 until you mentioned it here.

So..........if nothing in KDE 4 uses any of those packages in that list in my original post...why are they on my system?

Is it safe to remove them all?

You will slowly see more apps start using the kf5 libs, qupzilla already does, so does octopi and calamares.

Why are you so worried about having a few Kb/Mb extra on your system? This is a transitional phase, KDE 4 is slowly becoming obsolete, all work in KDE is on frameworks 5, plasma 5 and KDE Applications based on those 2.

I'm not worried about a few extra megs mate, it's not like I desperately need the diskspace.

I just like to keep things clean, and I wanted to know what was behind it.

Like I said, kf5 is completely new to me.