
After my last update I could not use wifi on my laptop, I believe it's a problem with linux-next from 16th of December. The connection keeps connecting and disconnecting in a loop.

Also the Chrome unstable package crashes since the last update, and this seems related with the graphics driver as a message appears on dmesg:

73.895457] chrome[915]: segfault at 1f8 ip 00007f7c57f55c2f sp 00007fff8cd924b0 error 4 in i965_dri.so[7f7c57bf0000+531000]

I can't access Chrome settings as well, I've deleted all the settings but still the problem occurs. I have to use Firefox instead.

Am I the only one with such issues?

Thanks! Merry Christmas all!

A fix for the Chrome Unstable problem is to run:

LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 google-chrome-unstable

To get help, you'll have to provide info. What repo's do you use? Post your /etc/pacman.conf

Are you fully updated, with a synced mirror? Show the /var/log/pacman.log starting at about December 14 until current time.

Hardware info:

inxi -GSPN


Yes I'm full updated, here goes the requested info. Thank you for the support.

System: Host: kaos Kernel: 3.16.7-1 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: KDE 4.14.3 Distro: KaOS 2014.0608

Graphics: Card: Intel Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller

Display Server: X.Org 1.16.2 drivers: intel (unloaded: vesa) Resolution: 1280x800@60.16hz

GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel Ironlake Mobile GLX Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.4.0

Network: Card-1: Intel 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection driver: e1000e

Card-2: Realtek RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller driver: rtl8192se

Partition: ID-1: / size: 48G used: 16G (36%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda1

ID-2: /home size: 241G used: 115G (51%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda2

ID-3: swap-1 size: 5.50GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda3

cat /etc/pacman.conf


# /etc/pacman.conf


# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives





# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.

# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.

#RootDir = /

#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/

#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/

#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log

HoldPkg = pacman glibc pacman-helpme

#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u

#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl %u > %o

#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled

#UseDelta = 0.7

Architecture = auto

# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup

IgnorePkg =

#IgnoreGroup =

#NoUpgrade =

#NoExtract =

# Misc options (all disabled by default)








# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring

# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.

SigLevel = Never

LocalFileSigLevel = Never

#RemoteFileSigLevel = Required



# - can be defined here or included from another file

# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here

# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files

# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages

# have identical names, regardless of version number

# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo


# Repository entries are of the format:

# [repo-name]

# Server = ServerName

# Include = IncludePath


# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and

# uncommented to enable the repo.



Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist


Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist


Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for

# tips on creating your own repositories.


Here is the pacman.log, it was installed on 12 of December, I only noticed the problem on the use on 14th:

[2014-12-05 23:30] [PACMAN] upgraded google-chrome (41.0.2224.3-1 -> 41.0.2236.0-1)

[2014-12-05 23:30] [PACMAN] upgraded libpng12 (1.2.51-1 -> 1.2.52-1)

[2014-12-05 23:30] [PACMAN] upgraded libteam (1.11-1 -> 1.14-1)

[2014-12-05 23:30] [PACMAN] upgraded libtool (2.4.3-3 -> 2.4.4-1)

[2014-12-05 23:30] [PACMAN] upgraded live-media (2014.08.26-1 -> 2014.11.28-1)

[2014-12-05 23:30] [PACMAN] upgraded lvm2 (2.02.113-1 -> 2.02.114-1)

[2014-12-08 23:49] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syyuu'

[2014-12-08 23:49] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists

[2014-12-08 23:49] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade

[2014-12-09 00:02] [PACMAN] upgraded ffmpeg (2.4.3-1 -> 2.4.4-1)

[2014-12-09 00:02] [PACMAN] upgraded jsoncpp (0.5.0-2 -> 1.0.0-1)

[2014-12-09 00:02] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Common instructions for kcp

[2014-12-09 00:02] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To search use: kcp -s partial_package_name

[2014-12-09 00:02] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To install use: kcp -i package_name

[2014-12-09 00:02] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To install a package needed by another KCP package so pacman -Rns will remove it too: kcp -i package --asdeps

[2014-12-09 00:02] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To download the files only: kcp -g package_name

[2014-12-09 00:02] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To view all the options: kcp -h

[2014-12-09 00:02] [PACMAN] upgraded kcp (0.15-1 -> 0.17-1)

[2014-12-09 00:02] [PACMAN] upgraded lua (5.1.5-3 -> 5.1.5-4)

[2014-12-09 00:02] [PACMAN] upgraded nss (3.17.2-1 -> 3.17.3-1)

[2014-12-12 21:17] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syyuu'

[2014-12-12 21:17] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists

[2014-12-12 21:17] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade

[2014-12-12 21:21] [PACMAN] upgraded btrfs-progs (3.17.2-1 -> 3.17.3-1)

[2014-12-12 21:21] [PACMAN] upgraded poppler (0.28.1-1 -> 0.29.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:21] [PACMAN] upgraded cups-filters (1.0.61-2 -> 1.0.61-3)

[2014-12-12 21:21] [PACMAN] upgraded mesa (10.3.4-1 -> 10.3.5-1)

[2014-12-12 21:21] [PACMAN] upgraded libgl (10.3.4-1 -> 10.3.5-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-base (5.3.2-2 -> 5.4.0rc-2)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded dropbox (2.11.7-1 -> 3.0.3-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded flashplugin ( ->

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] To have better integration with KaOS

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Select Use GTK+ theme, this will follow your KDE settings

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Or download and use the KaOS.crx:

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] http://sourceforge.net/projects/kaosx/files/sources/chrome-themes/KaOS.crx

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] This google-chrome theme follows the KaOS color scheme and look

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded google-chrome (41.0.2236.0-1 -> 41.0.2243.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded hwinfo (21.7-1 -> 21.10-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded karchive (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kcoreaddons (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kauth (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kcodecs (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kconfig (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-xmlpatterns (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-declarative (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-x11extras (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kguiaddons (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kjs (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-script (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded ki18n (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kwidgetsaddons (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kconfigwidgets (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Common instructions for kcp

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To search use: kcp -s partial_package_name

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To install use: kcp -i package_name

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To install a package needed by another KCP package so pacman -Rns will remove it too: kcp -i package --asdeps

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To download the files only: kcp -g package_name

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> To view all the options: kcp -h

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kcp (0.17-1 -> 0.22-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kwindowsystem (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kcrash (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kdbusaddons (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-svg (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kitemviews (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kiconthemes (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kservice (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded libdbusmenu-qt5 (0.9.3+14.10.20140619-1 -> 0.9.3+14.10.20140619-3)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded phonon-qt5-backend-gstreamer (4.8.0-1 -> 4.8.1-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded phonon-qt5 (4.8.2-1 -> 4.8.3-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded knotifications (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded kwallet (5.2.0-1 -> 5.5.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded libaccounts-glib (1.17-1 -> 1.18-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded libevdev (1.3.1-1 -> 1.3.2-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded libffi (3.1-1 -> 3.2.1-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-firmware (20141009-1 -> 20141201-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux-next.preset: 'default'

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux-next -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-next.img

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.18.0-1-next

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [autodetect]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [resume]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fsck]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-next.img

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux-next.preset: 'fallback'

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux-next -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-next-fallback.img -S autodetect

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.18.0-1-next

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [resume]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fsck]

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-next-fallback.img

[2014-12-12 21:22] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-next (3.17.4-1 -> 3.18.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-next-headers (3.17.4-1 -> 3.18.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded mdadm (3.3.1-1 -> 3.3.2-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded openvpn (2.3.5-1 -> 2.3.6-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded pciutils (3.2.1-1 -> 3.3.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded phonon-backend-gstreamer (4.8.0-1 -> 4.8.1-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded phonon (4.8.2-1 -> 4.8.3-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded poppler-qt (0.28.1-1 -> 0.29.0-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-imageformats (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-location (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-multimedia (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-quickcontrols (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-sensors (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-serialport (5.3.2-1 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qt5-webkit (5.3.2-2 -> 5.4.0rc-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded qupzilla ( ->

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded samba (4.1.13-1 -> 4.1.14-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] installed portaudio-svn (1916-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] installed youtube-dl (2014.12.01-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] installed mpv (0.7.1-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded smplayer (14.9.0-1 ->

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded wireless-regdb (2014.06.02-1 -> 2014.11.18-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded xapian-core (1.2.18-1 -> 1.2.19-1)

[2014-12-12 21:22] [PACMAN] upgraded xfsprogs (3.2.1-1 -> 3.2.2-1)

[2014-12-16 23:45] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syyuu'

After todays updates, are the issues still present?

Hello Deem, yes after the update all is working fine (chrome and wifi). Thank you so much!

As a note, if I try to use AccellMethod uxa, the graphic environment does not start.

11 days later

The file 20-intel.conf is missing double quotes, that's why it did not start. On intel graphic hardware, I had to force uxa, as I had a lot of artifacts.

Now running fine with:

Section "Device"

Identifier "Intel Graphics"

Driver "intel"

Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
