Same way as installed, see the previous comments how to edit ~/.config/kwinrc
About the kf5 update
I did what you said, but again there's no results. I wrote
Do you know a way to install KDE with no effects ? I never tried installing pure Arch, only Arch-based distros, with graphic installation. Maybe the solution is in that way. Have you something to recommend me ?
I guess that the change to kf5 added some effects that my graphic card couldn't handle. I mean, the other ISOs worked perfectly (and believe me when I tell you I tried a large amount of distros with KDE and the only that worked was Kaos).
I have installed on my laptop and almost everything has gone so well, but only my desktop computer has these issues. The only thing I couldn't fix it's the hour. As you can see in the following image
The correct hour in my country is 19.50 but on bottom panel it appears to be 18.50. And I have looked the time zone and it seems to be correct. Is there a bug or something ?
Personally, I would like to thank you for your support. Gracias!
Try with:
I do expect you to have the same issue on whatever you try to install. As you know, this is just default for kwinrc, you HAVE to edit any to disable whatever blocks your system.
It seemed to work! It's installing now.. I'll tell you if succeed !
The steps I followed are:
1. Ctrl + Alt + F2 to open tty2.
2. To edit kwinrc with
nano ~/.config/kwinrc
The file must be this way
3. To stop sddm by
sudo systemctl stop sddm
4. To start the x
Ohhh no, while installing the following error appeared:
Failed to unpack image / bootmnt / kdeos / x86_64 / root-image.sfqs
rsync failed with error code 23
However, I'm still on the desktop and everything works fine, Is there a way to solve this little trouble ?
I 'burned' the ISO with RUFUS, as always.
Rufus is not supported, that error points to faulty media.
The Download page lists supported ways to create live media, there is a reason rufus is not listed......
And no need to stop sddm is setting opengl is not safe fixes it, you can just restart sddm after editing kwinrc
I've just 'burned' the ISO with SUSE ImageCreator and still got the same error I wrote on my last post.
Could it be a Calamares bug ?
Here is my output for sudo calamares -d
[root@localhost ~]# sudo calamares -d
Translation: Calamares: Using default locale, system locale one not found: "en_US"
Translation: Qt: Using default locale, system locale one not found: "en_US"
01:06:34 [1]: Default font =====
Pixel size: -1
Point size: 9
Point sizeF: 9
Font family: "Sans Serif"
Metric height: 13
01:06:34 [1]: Font height: 13
01:06:34 [1]: Available languages: ("ca", "cs", "de", "en", "es", "es_AR", "fr", "hr", "hu", "it", "nl_NL", "pl", "pt_BR", "ru", "sl", "sv", "tr_TR")
01:06:34 [1]: CalamaresApplication thread: 0x1332180
01:06:34 [1]: Using Calamares settings file at "/usr/share/calamares/settings.conf"
01:06:34 [1]: Using Calamares branding file at "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/branding.desc"
01:06:34 [1]: Loaded branding component "kaos_branding"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "bootldr"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "bootloader"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "driver_cleanup"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "finished"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "fstab"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "greeting"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "grubconf"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "gummi_entries"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "hardwr"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "initcpiocfg"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "kdm_sddm"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "keyboard"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "locale"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "localecfg"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "machineid"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "mnt"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "mount"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "networkcfg"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "nonfree_drivers"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "package_removal"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "partition"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "prepare"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "services"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "summary"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "umount"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "unpackfs"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "unsquashfs"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "usercfg"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "userkf5"
01:06:34 [1]: Loading module.desc for "users"
01:06:34 [1]: Proposed window size: 1010 520
01:06:34 [1]: QML import paths: ("/usr/share/calamares/qml", "/usr/bin", "/usr/lib/qt5/qml")
01:06:34 [1]: Initial locale "en_US"
01:06:34 [8]: Translation: Calamares: Using default locale, system locale one not found: "en_US"
01:06:34 [8]: Translation: Qt: Using default locale, system locale one not found: "en_US"
No layout variant specified on the command line
Trailing -variant option ignored
01:06:35 [1]: xkbmap selection changed to: "latam" - ""
01:06:38 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
01:06:38 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
01:06:46 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type "" on /dev/sda3
01:06:46 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
01:06:46 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
01:06:46 [8]: getting smart status failed for "/dev/sdf" : Operation not supported
01:06:46 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
01:06:46 [1]: Need at least storage bytes: 7516192768
01:06:46 [1]: Need at least ram bytes: 1073741824
01:06:46 [1]: enoughStorage, enoughRam, hasPower, hasInternet: true true true true
01:06:49 [1]: checking if "/dev/sda1" can be resized.
01:06:49 [1]: "/dev/sda1" seems like a good path
01:06:49 [1]: found Partition* for "/dev/sda1"
01:06:49 [1]: Required storage B: 9771050598
01:06:49 [1]: Available storage B: 40533753856
01:06:49 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda1" authorized for resize + autopartition install.
01:06:49 [1]: checking if "/dev/sda6" can be resized.
01:06:49 [1]: "/dev/sda6" seems like a good path
01:06:49 [1]: found Partition* for "/dev/sda6"
01:06:49 [1]: Required storage B: 9771050598
01:06:49 [1]: Available storage B: 18016207110144
01:06:49 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda6" authorized for resize + autopartition install.
01:06:49 [1]: "Osprober lines, clean:
/dev/sda1:Windows Vista (loader):Windows:chain
/dev/sda6:KaOS (rolling):KaOS:linux"
01:06:49 [1]: Current index changed: "/dev/sda1"
01:06:49 [1]: PSI added item "/dev/sda1" size 104857600
01:06:49 [1]: PSI added item "/dev/sda2" size 182793011200
01:06:49 [1]: PSI added item "/dev/sda3" size 137169470464
01:06:49 [1]: void PartitionSplitterWidget::setSplitPartition(const QString&, qint64, qint64, qint64, const QString&) path: "/dev/sda1"
minSize: 28259123
maxSize: -9666192998
prfSize: 52428800
01:06:49 [1]: itemToResize: "/dev/sda1"
01:06:49 [1]: Items updated. Status:
01:06:49 [1]: item "/dev/sda1" size -9666192998
01:06:49 [1]: item "" size 9771050598
01:06:49 [1]: item "/dev/sda2" size 182793011200
01:06:49 [1]: item "/dev/sda3" size 137169470464
01:07:18 [1]: Selected locale "es_AR"
01:07:18 [8]: Translation: Calamares: Using system locale: "es_AR"
01:07:18 [8]: Translation: Qt: Using default locale, system locale one not found: "es_AR"
01:07:18 [0]: Could not parse stylesheet of object 0x3d98d40
01:07:18 [0]: Could not parse stylesheet of object 0x3d9ba30
01:07:18 [0]: Could not parse stylesheet of object 0x3d9d8e0
01:07:18 [0]: Could not parse stylesheet of object 0x3da0540
01:07:41 [1]: Choice applied: 4
01:08:07 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
01:08:07 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
01:08:15 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type "" on /dev/sda3
01:08:15 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
01:08:15 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
01:08:20 [1]: Module "partition" already loaded.
01:08:20 [1]: Module "locale" already loaded.
01:08:20 [1]: Module "keyboard" already loaded.
01:08:20 [1]: Module "users" already loaded.
01:08:20 [1]: PartitionCodeModule has been asked for jobs. About to return: "Limpiar montajes para operaciones de particionado en /dev/sda
Establecer la información de la partición"
01:08:20 [0]: Starting job "Limpiar montajes para operaciones de particionado en /dev/sda"
01:08:20 [1]: ClearMountsJob finished. Here's what was done:
"Successfully unmounted /dev/sda7."
01:08:20 [0]: Starting job "Establecer la información de la partición"
01:08:20 [0]: Starting job "Ejecutando script mount/"
01:08:20 [0]: Starting job "Ejecutando script unpackfs/"
could not make way for new symlink: usr/lib/aspell
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1165) [sender=3.1.1]
01:08:28 [0]: Installation failed:
01:08:28 [0]: - message: "Failed to unpack image /bootmnt/kdeos/x86_64/root-image.sqfs"
01:08:28 [0]: - details: "rsync failed with error code 23."
Edit: I used a different usb and the result is still the same. I'll try another.
Checked md5sum of the ISO? Is it "e81f45a6e75eae486579a87c2caea88c'?
Yes, I already checked md5sum and it's okay.
Not seen this bug, but it looks like you are installing to an extended partition. Mount the target partition in Dolphin before you start the install, just clicking on it in the left pane is sufficient.
Finally, the installation worked and almost everything is alright. I'll repeat what I wrote previously.
The only thing I couldn't fix it's the hour. As you can see in the following image
The correct hour in my country is now 23.43 but on bottom panel it appears to be 22.43. And I have looked the time zone and it seems to be correct. Is there a bug or something ?
To recap, the fix was the opengl line and mounting the target partition first?
To recap, the fix was the opengl line and mounting the target partition first?
That's it. Besides, I had a little problem in first run after installation. The issue was caused by using OpenGL instead of XRender. This change really makes a difference.