Hi everybody:

Yesterday I upgrade one of my KaOS PC to Kf5. Everything was ok but after reboot I found two little problems with the system:

1) A lot of apps shows Button text / menu entries mixed in spanglish. Some of them are presented in english, while other are presented in spanish, I manually set Spanish as default language but there weren't any change.

2) Ramdomly, after close a program a message apear in desktop: KDEInit cannot launch "path_to_binary" v.g.:

KDEInit no ha podido lanzar "/usr/bin/ksysguard".

As well as the message appear in desktop is mandatory click in OK Button before I can do any futher action, such as click in menu button for to launch kicker.

Sugestions please.

Saludos desde México

Language issue will slowly go away once all apps are build from release tars again (git builds don't include translations).