If your Octopi looks since the last update like this:
Then run this: sudo pacman-db-upgrade
If your Octopi looks since the last update like this:
Then run this: sudo pacman-db-upgrade
Thanks. I had the same problem.
When I say "I had the same problem", what I whish convey is my first feeling of setback, because at that moment I thought the warning had to do with an unssuccesful process due to my poor knowledge of some specific KaOS' behaviors. When I went back through all the output in my console, I calmed dawn myself immediately.
I don't know if I have made myself clear yet. I apologize again for my english. The "problem" was the normal and sudden stress raised by this kind of misunderstanding, related, in this case, with my personal interpretations, which are common some days conditioned by the every day's mood.
New clarification:
With "some specific KaOS' behaviors" I mean just "this GNU/Linux flavor", nothing more ;)
Hnn, i have to issue again after the next reboot and the fix wont work now:
$ sudo pacman-db-upgrade
$sudo pacman -Syu:
pacman -Qm:
In this case, i can see the installed alien packages in Octopi:
It work again fine since the last mirror-check and sudo pacman -Syu, thanks :)