Hola comunidad.

Hoy vengo a apelar por su conocimiento una vez más porque tengo un inconveniente un poco incomodo para el trabajo día a día en el nuevo kf5. Sucede que despues de la actualización del 24 de febrero, mi pantalla empezó a tener problemas. Cuando enciendo y empiezo a trabajar, todo parece funcionar bien, pero despues de unos minutos, los gráficos dejan de funcionar correctamente y cualquier cosa que se mueva en la pantalla, empieza a parpadear y ya no se puede ver claramente lo que está en la pantalla, si muevo el contenido de la ventana con scroll, tambien "blinks" y el entornose vuelve inútil.

Hice un syslog para ver si pueden ayudarme.


Gracias y saludos.

Provide a full sysinfo as explained here:

Thanks for your answer demm, I'm sorry but now I'm a little bit confused with your answer, I followed the instrucitions in the link that you mentioned, now I want to know if there is not enough information in the link on my previous post?

I'm also addin the systemctl log now if you want more information.

http://goo.gl/Jsncza - systemctl log


http://pastebin.com/eGX1ARzq - pacman log

let me know if maybe I understood wrong the instructions.


Looking at the system specs, this is an older system, the graphics card is probably not suited to handle the new way of using the GPU (instead of just RAM) for kwin.

Best switch to XRender for this system instead of OpenGl:

systemsettings > display & monitor > compositor > Rendering Backend

Seeing this is an older install, your root partition is starting to fill up, best use the Octopi cachecleaner tool to remove 3-5 Gb worth of old, no longer used or needed packages from your cache.

Thank you very much demm.

That was an easy solution. I already changed the configuration for the compositor and my system is terribly stable now :) I only missed the desktop effects. But I have the most important thing, the OS.

Best regards!

XRender should still offer most desktop effects. Checked if it is still enabled in the compositor settings on startup?

Your previous instability might have caused an automatic disabling of the effects, enable again with Shift-Alt-F12

Now that you know the cuase of your issue, you can try to go back to OpenGl 2.0 and disable some of the most demanding effects like blur.