Greetings to all,

In late February, before updating/upgrading to Kf5, I ran pacman -Qm as recommended by demm in a message published on Feb.23rd. Knowing that I had never installed any KCP apps, the terminal log gave me the OK to proceed with the move to Kf5. So I did and everything went smooth sailing.

Today, after reading some forum postings, and out of curiosity, I checked again the install and ran 'pacman -Qm'. OH! surprise ... from the terminal:

$ su


# sudo pacman -Qm

kdegraphics-mobipocket 14.12.2-1

libkcompactdisc 14.12.2-1


a) how these 2 foreigners got installed?

b) can I get rid of them without compromising my install?

Thanks for clarifying the situation.

You installed those while KDE 4 was still in the repos. (to clarify, pacman -Qm list packages not in the repo database, so not releated to KCP)

All of those were removed, but these 2 don't conflict with any, so they where missed in packaging to auto remove.

Can you state if they still work as should? Since all they depend on is kdelibs and if used no issue to re-add to the repo.

Thanks for replying.

I don't know if these 2 files are still working as should, I don't know what they are for. All I know is that searching for these 2 files in Octopi they are listed as being in the KCP repository and the Info Tab indicates their build date as January 30, 2015.

Octopi lists all "Foreign" as KCP.

If you want true info about them, run "pacman -Qi" on each of them, and search your pacman log for when you installed them. your pacman

From the terminal:

[root@karibou snowdust]# sudo pacman -Qm

kdegraphics-mobipocket 14.12.2-1

libkcompactdisc 14.12.2-1

[root@karibou snowdust]# sudo pacman -Qi kdegraphics-mobipocket

Name : kdegraphics-mobipocket

Version : 14.12.2-1

Description : split package

Architecture : x86_64


Licenses : GPL LGPL FDL

Groups : kde kdegraphics kde-uninstall

Provides : mobipocket

Depends On : kdelibs strigi

Optional Deps : None

Required By : None

Optional For : None

Conflicts With : None

Replaces : None

Installed Size : 107.00 KiB

Packager : Anke Boersma <>

Build Date : Fri Jan 30 13:24:40 2015

Install Date : Tue Feb 3 23:35:16 2015

Install Reason : Installed as a dependency for another package

Install Script : No

Validated By : SHA256 Sum

[root@karibou snowdust]# sudo pacman -Qi libkcompactdisc

Name : libkcompactdisc

Version : 14.12.2-1

Description : A library for interfacing with CDs

Architecture : x86_64


Licenses : GPL LGPL FDL

Groups : kde kdemultimedia kde-uninstall

Provides : None

Depends On : kdelibs

Optional Deps : None

Required By : None

Optional For : None

Conflicts With : kdemultimedia-common

Replaces : kdemultimedia-common

Installed Size : 174.00 KiB

Packager : Anke Boersma <>

Build Date : Fri Jan 30 13:46:39 2015

Install Date : Tue Feb 3 23:35:17 2015

Install Reason : Installed as a dependency for another package

Install Script : No

Validated By : SHA256 Sum

[root@karibou snowdust]#

Is it safe to remove these 2 files?

Yes, as you can see, not required by any.

These 2 packages have been successfully removed. Thank you for your assistance. Much appreciated.