It seems that Okular (Okular Version 1.0.0 Using KDE Frameworks 5.9.0) crashes always when print preview is selected. Searched KDE Bugtracking System but it seems there is no such fresh bugs. Before reporting a bug I'd like to confirm, that it is not somehow specific to my KaOS installation...
Okular print preview - crash
I confirm this bug.
It happened to my KaOS installation, too.
In the meantime, I installed master pdf creator which seems ok so far.
If you just want to print from Okular, no need to install anything, the segfault/crash is in preview only, actual printing works fine.
Rebuild did not fix, nothing in the upstream bug tracker about this yet, any of you reported it?
If you just want to print from Okular, no need to install anything, the segfault/crash is in preview only, actual printing works fine.Rebuild did not fix, nothing in the upstream bug tracker about this yet, any of you reported it?
Yes, viewing pdf and ps files and printing them is OK, just the print preview causes the crash. I have not reported it yet as the authomatic report process says that the current generated crash report is not usefull...
Issue seems reported now:
Print preview crash fixed in okular master, backported the fix to the frameworks build used in KaOS.
sudo pacman -U
This version will move to all users/apps repo soon.
Print preview works now - thanks backporting the fix!