
  • Joined Apr 21, 2015
  • Unlike the small installation issue I encountered on my newer UFEI laptop, this time KaOS installed without any need for a workaround on my older laptop whose hardware details are mentioned below in the github link. Installation was straightforward- please see the code list for reference. Also no warning or error messages during boot, non of those "USB device descriptor read error." I'm glad KaOS is very "older-laptop friendly." Thank you.

    Installed ISO on USB using dd command. Checked ISO md5sum- correct iso file.

    hardware details (from Menu>Add Remove Software>Tools>Sysinfo):


    Installation log:

    11:41:16 [1]: Calamares version: 
    11:41:19 [1]: Default font ===== 
    Pixel size:    -1 
    Point size:    10 
    Point sizeF:   10 
    Font family:   "Noto Sans" 
    Metric height: 18 
    11:41:19 [1]: Font height: 18 
    11:41:19 [1]: Available languages: ("ast", "ca", "cs", "de", "en", "es", "es_AR", "fr", "hr", "hu", "id_ID", "it", "nl_NL", "pl", "pt_BR", "pt_PT", "ru", "sl", "sr_RS", "sv", "tr_TR") 
    m_crashReporterWChar: /usr/bin/../libexec/calamares_crash_reporter11:41:19 [1]: CalamaresApplication thread: 0x20f31b0 
    11:41:19 [1]: Using log file: "/root/.cache/Calamares/Calamares/Calamares.log" 
    11:41:19 [1]: Using Calamares settings file at "/usr/share/calamares/settings.conf" 
    11:41:19 [1]: Using Calamares branding file at "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/branding.desc" 
    11:41:19 [1]: Loaded branding component "kaos_branding" 
    11:41:19 [1]: STARTUP: initQmlPath, initSettings, initBranding done 
    11:41:19 [1]: STARTUP: initModuleManager: module init started 
    11:41:20 [1]: STARTUP: initModuleManager: all modules init done 
    11:41:20 [1]: STARTUP: initJobQueue done 
    11:41:20 [1]: Proposed window size: 1080 648 
    11:41:20 [1]: STARTUP: CalamaresWindow created; loadModules started 
    11:41:20 [1]: Initial locale  "en_US" 
    11:41:20 [8]: Translation: Branding component: Using default locale, system locale one not found: "en_US"
    11:41:20 [8]: Translation: Calamares: Using default locale, system locale one not found: "en_US"
    11:41:20 [8]: Translation: Qt: Using default locale, system locale one not found: "en_US"
    11:41:20 [1]: ViewModule loading self for instance "welcome@welcome" 
    ViewModule at address 0x231c850 
    Calamares::PluginFactory at address WelcomeViewStepFactory(0x21b5520) 
    ViewStep at address WelcomeViewStep(0x22063f0) 
    11:41:21 [1]: ViewModule loading self for instance "webview@webview" 
    ViewModule at address 0x2461420 
    Calamares::PluginFactory at address WebViewStepFactory(0x2459f40) 
    ViewStep at address WebViewStep(0x247fb30) 
    11:41:22 [1]: ViewModule loading self for instance "locale@locale" 
    ViewModule at address 0x24995e0 
    Calamares::PluginFactory at address LocaleViewStepFactory(0x2459fb0) 
    ViewStep at address LocaleViewStep(0x24a6ed0) 
    11:41:23 [1]: ViewModule loading self for instance "keyboard@keyboard" 
    ViewModule at address 0x24ab6c0 
    Calamares::PluginFactory at address KeyboardViewStepFactory(0x24a8320) 
    ViewStep at address KeyboardViewStep(0x24abb00) 
    11:41:23 [1]: ViewModule loading self for instance "partition@partition" 
    ViewModule at address 0x487d8e0 
    Calamares::PluginFactory at address PartitionViewStepFactory(0x48935a0) 
    ViewStep at address PartitionViewStep(0x487db10) 
    11:41:23 [0]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
    (Parent is PartitionViewStep(0x487db10), parent's thread is QThread(0x20f31b0), current thread is QThread(0x487e380)
    11:41:23 [8]: Loaded backend plugin:  "pmlibpartedbackendplugin"
    11:41:23 [1]: ViewModule loading self for instance "users@users" 
    ViewModule at address 0x4857fe0 
    Calamares::PluginFactory at address UsersViewStepFactory(0x487ee00) 
    ViewStep at address UsersViewStep(0x487f0f0) 
    11:41:23 [1]: ViewModule loading self for instance "summary@summary" 
    ViewModule at address 0x48c3000 
    Calamares::PluginFactory at address SummaryViewStepFactory(0x48c2e50) 
    ViewStep at address SummaryViewStep(0x48c3640) 
    11:41:23 [1]: Module "partition@partition" already loaded. 
    11:41:23 [1]: QML import paths: ("/usr/share/calamares/qml", "/usr/bin", "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports", "/usr/lib/qt5/qml") 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: Module "locale@locale" already loaded. 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: Module "keyboard@keyboard" already loaded. 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: Module "users@users" already loaded. 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: LAST VS IS EVS! 
    11:41:23 [1]: ViewModule loading self for instance "finished@finished" 
    ViewModule at address 0x490e2d0 
    Calamares::PluginFactory at address FinishedViewStepFactory(0x490dba0) 
    ViewStep at address FinishedViewStep(0x490cce0) 
    11:41:23 [1]: STARTUP: loadModules for all modules done 
    11:41:23 [1]: STARTUP: Window now visible and ProgressTreeView populated 
    11:41:24 [1]: Need at least storage bytes: 7516192768 
    11:41:24 [1]: Need at least ram bytes: 1073741824 
    11:41:24 [1]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 
    11:41:24 [1]: enoughStorage, enoughRam, hasPower, hasInternet, isRoot:  true true true true true 
    No layout variant specified on the command line
    Trailing -variant option ignored
    11:41:24 [1]: xkbmap selection changed to:  "us" - "" 
    11:41:27 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:27 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:27 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type  ""  on  "/dev/sda2"
    11:41:27 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:28 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:28 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:28 [8]: getting smart status failed for  "/dev/sdb" :  Operation not supported
    11:41:28 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:28 [1]: LIST OF DETECTED DEVICES:
    node	capacity	name	prettyName 
    11:41:28 [1]: "/dev/sda" 250056737280 "ATA WDC WD2500BEVT-2" "ATA WDC WD2500BEVT-2 – 232.88 GiB (/dev/sda)" 
    11:41:28 [1]: "/dev/sdb" 8019648000 "General USB Flash Disk" "General USB Flash Disk – 7.47 GiB (/dev/sdb)" 
    11:41:33 [1]: checking if "/dev/sda3" can be resized. 
    11:41:33 [1]: "/dev/sda3" seems like a good path 
    11:41:33 [1]: found Partition* for "/dev/sda3" 
    11:41:33 [1]: Required  storage B: 10200547328 "(9GB)" 
    11:41:33 [1]: Available storage B: 78988738560 "(73GB)" 
    11:41:33 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda3" authorized for resize + autopartition install. 
    11:41:33 [1]: checking if "/dev/sda6" can be resized. 
    11:41:33 [1]: "/dev/sda6" seems like a good path 
    11:41:33 [1]: found Partition* for "/dev/sda6" 
    11:41:33 [1]: Required  storage B: 10200547328 "(9GB)" 
    11:41:33 [1]: Available storage B: 78518034944 "(73GB)" 
    11:41:33 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda6" authorized for resize + autopartition install. 
    11:41:33 [1]: "Osprober lines, clean:\n/dev/sda3:Linux Mint 18 Sarah (18):LinuxMint:linux\n/dev/sda6:Deepin 15.2  (15.2):Deepin:linux" 
    11:41:33 [1]: Updating partitioning state widgets. 
    11:41:33 [0]: QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
    11:41:33 [1]: Creating immutable copy for node: "/dev/sda" 
    11:41:34 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:35 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:35 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type  ""  on  "/dev/sda2"
    11:41:35 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:35 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:35 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:41:35 [1]: Required  storage B: 10200547328 "(9GB)" 
    11:41:35 [1]: Available storage B: 43941232640 "(40GB)" 
    11:41:35 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda1" authorized for resize + autopartition install. 
    11:41:35 [1]: Required  storage B: 8053063680 "(7GB)" 
    11:41:35 [1]: Available storage B: 59998470144 "(55GB)" 
    11:41:35 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda1" authorized for replace install. 
    11:41:35 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets. 
    11:41:35 [0]: QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
    11:41:46 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets. 
    11:41:46 [0]: QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
    11:42:11 [1]: Choice applied:  4 
    11:42:42 [1]: old boundaries: 117186560 293163007 175976448 
    11:42:42 [1]: new boundaries: 117186560 293163007 
    11:42:42 [1]: dirty status: false 
    11:42:59 [1]: old boundaries: 293165056 300976127 7811072 
    11:42:59 [1]: new boundaries: 293165056 300976127 
    11:42:59 [1]: dirty status: false 
    11:42:59 [0]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 4860, resource id: 29361517, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0
    11:43:31 [1]: Choice applied:  4 
    11:43:33 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:43:33 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:43:34 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type  ""  on  "/dev/sda2"
    11:43:34 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:43:34 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:43:34 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:43:34 [8]: getting smart status failed for  "/dev/sdb" :  Operation not supported
    11:43:34 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:43:34 [0]: QBasicTimer::start: Timers cannot be started from another thread
    11:43:34 [0]: QBasicTimer::start: Timers cannot be started from another thread
    11:43:34 [0]: QBasicTimer::start: Timers cannot be started from another thread
    11:43:47 [1]: old boundaries: 117186560 293163007 175976448 
    11:43:47 [1]: new boundaries: 117186560 293163007 
    11:43:47 [1]: dirty status: false 
    11:43:54 [1]: old boundaries: 293165056 300976127 7811072 
    11:43:54 [1]: new boundaries: 293165056 300976127 
    11:43:54 [1]: dirty status: false 
    11:43:54 [0]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 8316, resource id: 29362841, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0
    11:45:30 [0]: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
    11:45:32 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:45:32 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:45:32 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type  ""  on  "/dev/sda2"
    11:45:32 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:45:32 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:45:32 [0]: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename
    11:45:32 [1]: PartitionCodeModule has been asked for jobs. About to return: "Clear all temporary mounts.\nClear mounts for partitioning operations on /dev/sda\nFormat partition /dev/sda3 (file system: ext4, size: 85926 MB) on ATA WDC WD2500BEVT-2.\nSet partition information" 
    11:45:32 [1]: Gathering UUIDs for partitions that exist now. 
    11:45:32 [1]: QHash(("/dev/sda6", "a4e1651b-7b9a-4b9d-aeb5-16c9d8e69a69")("", "")("/dev/sdb2", "7B22-92D8")("/dev/sda1", "00a61a2d-8179-4ffa-baa9-370d715b9317")("/dev/sda2", "")("/dev/sda3", "be6b0b32-8cea-44a7-833c-afdae6eca0f0")("/dev/sda5", "b40fe1c2-6c76-49d5-8a7f-dfa1a7a8d0e3")) 
    11:45:32 [1]: Writing to GlobalStorage["partitions"] 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda1" mtpoint: "" fs: "ext4" "00a61a2d-8179-4ffa-baa9-370d715b9317" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda3" mtpoint: "/" fs: "ext4" "be6b0b32-8cea-44a7-833c-afdae6eca0f0" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda2" mtpoint: "" fs: "extended" "" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda5" mtpoint: "" fs: "linuxswap" "b40fe1c2-6c76-49d5-8a7f-dfa1a7a8d0e3" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda6" mtpoint: "" fs: "ext4" "a4e1651b-7b9a-4b9d-aeb5-16c9d8e69a69" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sdb2" mtpoint: "" fs: "fat16" "7B22-92D8" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "" mtpoint: "" fs: "unknown" "" 
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "00a61a2d-8179-4ffa-baa9-370d715b9317") "/dev/sda1" "" "ext4"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "be6b0b32-8cea-44a7-833c-afdae6eca0f0") "/dev/sda3" "/" "ext4"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "") "/dev/sda2" "" "extended"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "b40fe1c2-6c76-49d5-8a7f-dfa1a7a8d0e3") "/dev/sda5" "" "linuxswap"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "a4e1651b-7b9a-4b9d-aeb5-16c9d8e69a69") "/dev/sda6" "" "ext4"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "7B22-92D8") "/dev/sdb2" "" "fat16"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "") "" "" "unknown"
    11:45:32 [1]: Gathering UUIDs for partitions that exist now. 
    11:45:32 [1]: QHash(("/dev/sda6", "a4e1651b-7b9a-4b9d-aeb5-16c9d8e69a69")("", "")("/dev/sdb2", "7B22-92D8")("/dev/sda1", "00a61a2d-8179-4ffa-baa9-370d715b9317")("/dev/sda2", "")("/dev/sda3", "be6b0b32-8cea-44a7-833c-afdae6eca0f0")("/dev/sda5", "b40fe1c2-6c76-49d5-8a7f-dfa1a7a8d0e3")) 
    11:45:32 [1]: Writing to GlobalStorage["partitions"] 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda1" mtpoint: "" fs: "ext4" "00a61a2d-8179-4ffa-baa9-370d715b9317" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda3" mtpoint: "/" fs: "ext4" "be6b0b32-8cea-44a7-833c-afdae6eca0f0" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda2" mtpoint: "" fs: "extended" "" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda5" mtpoint: "" fs: "linuxswap" "b40fe1c2-6c76-49d5-8a7f-dfa1a7a8d0e3" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sda6" mtpoint: "" fs: "ext4" "a4e1651b-7b9a-4b9d-aeb5-16c9d8e69a69" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "/dev/sdb2" mtpoint: "" fs: "fat16" "7B22-92D8" 
    11:45:32 [1]: "" mtpoint: "" fs: "unknown" "" 
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "00a61a2d-8179-4ffa-baa9-370d715b9317") "/dev/sda1" "" "ext4"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "be6b0b32-8cea-44a7-833c-afdae6eca0f0") "/dev/sda3" "/" "ext4"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "") "/dev/sda2" "" "extended"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "b40fe1c2-6c76-49d5-8a7f-dfa1a7a8d0e3") "/dev/sda5" "" "linuxswap"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "a4e1651b-7b9a-4b9d-aeb5-16c9d8e69a69") "/dev/sda6" "" "ext4"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "7B22-92D8") "/dev/sdb2" "" "fat16"
    11:45:32 [8]: QVariant(QString, "") "" "" "unknown"
    11:46:01 [1]: loading ok  
    11:46:02 [1]: PartitionCodeModule has been asked for jobs. About to return: "Clear all temporary mounts.\nClear mounts for partitioning operations on /dev/sda\nFormat partition /dev/sda3 (file system: ext4, size: 85926 MB) on ATA WDC WD2500BEVT-2.\nSet partition information" 11:46:02 [0]: Starting job "Clear all temporary mounts." 11:46:02 [1]: Opened mtab. Lines: 11:46:02 [1]: "proc /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "sys /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "dev /dev devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=981796k,nr_inodes=245449,mode=755 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "run /run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,mode=755 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "union / aufs rw,relatime,si=d8adf43cb8b188f1 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "/dev/sdb1 /bootmnt iso9660 ro,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "tmpfs /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,release_agent=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-cgroups-agent,name=systemd 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "pstore /sys/fs/pstore pstore rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devices cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/pids cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/memory cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "systemd-1 /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc autofs rw,relatime,fd=37,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "hugetlbfs /dev/hugepages hugetlbfs rw,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "mqueue /dev/mqueue mqueue rw,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "configfs /sys/kernel/config configfs rw,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "tmpfs /run/user/1000 tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=198128k,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=100 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: "fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw,relatime 0 0" 11:46:02 [1]: ClearTempMountsJob finished. Here's what was done: "" 11:46:02 [0]: Starting job "Clear mounts for partitioning operations on /dev/sda" 11:46:03 [1]: ClearMountsJob finished. Here's what was done: "Successfully cleared swap /dev/sda5." 11:46:03 [0]: Starting job "Format partition /dev/sda3 (file system: ext4, size: 85926 MB) on ATA WDC WD2500BEVT-2." 11:46:45 [0]: Starting job "Set partition information" 11:46:45 [1]: Gathering UUIDs for partitions that exist now. 11:46:45 [1]: QHash(("/dev/sda6", "a4e1651b-7b9a-4b9d-aeb5-16c9d8e69a69")("", "")("/dev/sdb2", "7B22-92D8")("/dev/sda1", "00a61a2d-8179-4ffa-baa9-370d715b9317")("/dev/sda2", "")("/dev/sda3", "1f5b5dab-c5d0-43d4-8767-fe37d4df7419")("/dev/sda5", "b40fe1c2-6c76-49d5-8a7f-dfa1a7a8d0e3")) 11:46:45 [1]: Writing to GlobalStorage["partitions"] 11:46:45 [1]: "/dev/sda1" mtpoint: "" fs: "ext4" "00a61a2d-8179-4ffa-baa9-370d715b9317" 11:46:45 [1]: "/dev/sda3" mtpoint: "/" fs: "ext4" "1f5b5dab-c5d0-43d4-8767-fe37d4df7419" 11:46:45 [1]: "/dev/sda2" mtpoint: "" fs: "extended" "" 11:46:45 [1]: "/dev/sda5" mtpoint: "" fs: "linuxswap" "b40fe1c2-6c76-49d5-8a7f-dfa1a7a8d0e3" 11:46:45 [1]: "/dev/sda6" mtpoint: "" fs: "ext4" "a4e1651b-7b9a-4b9d-aeb5-16c9d8e69a69" 11:46:45 [1]: "/dev/sdb2" mtpoint: "" fs: "fat16" "7B22-92D8" 11:46:45 [1]: "" mtpoint: "" fs: "unknown" "" 11:46:45 [0]: Starting job "mount" 11:46:46 [0]: Starting job "unpackfs" 11:53:41 [0]: Starting job "machineid" 11:53:41 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "systemd-machine-id-setup") 11:53:42 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:53:42 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "ln", "-s", "/etc/machine-id", "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id") 11:53:42 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:53:42 [0]: Starting job "fstab" 11:53:42 [0]: Starting job "Set timezone to Asia/Manila" 11:53:42 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "rm", "-f", "/etc/localtime") 11:53:42 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:53:42 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "ln", "-s", "/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Manila", "/etc/localtime") 11:53:42 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:53:42 [0]: Starting job "Set keyboard model to pc105, layout to us-" 11:53:42 [1]: Executing SetKeyboardLayoutJob 11:53:43 [1]: Found legacy keymap "us" with score 11 11:53:43 [1]: Found legacy keymap "us-acentos" with score 11 11:53:43 [1]: Found legacy keymap "dvorak" with score 11 11:53:43 [1]: Found legacy keymap "dvorak" with score 11 11:53:43 [1]: Written KEYMAP= "us" to vconsole.conf 11:53:43 [1]: Written XkbLayout "us" ; XkbModel "pc105" ; XkbVariant "" to X.org file "/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf" 11:53:43 [0]: Starting job "localecfg" 11:53:43 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "locale-gen") 11:53:47 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:53:48 [0]: Starting job "luksopenswaphookcfg" 11:53:48 [0]: Starting job "luksbootkeyfile" 11:53:48 [0]: Starting job "initcpiocfg" 11:53:48 [0]: Starting job "hardwr" 11:53:48 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "mkinitcpio", "-p", "linux") 11:54:07 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:08 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh/etc/modprobe.d") 11:54:08 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:08 [0]: Starting job "Create user ramrc" 11:54:08 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "useradd", "-m", "-s", "/bin/bash", "-U", "-G", "users,lp,video,network,storage,wheel,audio", "ramrc") 11:54:09 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:09 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "chfn", "-f", "ramrc", "ramrc") 11:54:09 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:09 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "chown", "-R", "ramrc:ramrc", "/home/ramrc") 11:54:09 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:09 [0]: Starting job "Set password for user ramrc" 11:54:09 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "usermod", "-p", "$6$ramrc$J9tfCXC4ey3IB06w.GCm6yDpy5tanS5JN798Fdc5JzgqdyszzJNNrvIRD1EFnPJQ8LgQxEMihEq72GN2KxUsG.", "ramrc") 11:54:09 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:09 [0]: Starting job "Set password for user root" 11:54:09 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "usermod", "-p", "$6$root$eFh/gCou6P2y2v4pNUZmkUg2LBnhFhFXrAqQ5CKpD/oGtbt/zQc8kdh.rGN5Ua8hFAZchGzwd9uT3azEkMyo31", "root") 11:54:09 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:09 [0]: Starting job "Set hostname 4736Z" 11:54:09 [0]: Starting job "networkcfg" 11:54:09 [0]: Starting job "services" 11:54:09 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "systemctl", "enable", "NetworkManager.service") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "systemctl", "enable", "org.cups.cupsd.service") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "systemctl", "enable", "graphical.target") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "systemctl", "disable", "pacman-init.service") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 1 11:54:10 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot disable systemd service pacman-init" 11:54:10 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "systemctl disable call in chroot returned error code 1" 11:54:10 [0]: Starting job "grubconf" 11:54:10 [0]: Starting job "kdm_sddm" 11:54:10 [0]: Starting job "userkf5" 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/ramrc/Desktop") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/ramrc/.config") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/ramrc/.local/share/applications/") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/ramrc/.local/share/konqueror") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/ramrc/.local/share/konsole") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/ramrc/.config/autostart") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/ramrc/.config/plasma-workspace/env") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/ramrc/.config/qtcurve") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/ramrc/.kde4/share/config") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "chown", "-R", "ramrc:users", "/home/ramrc") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:10 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "setcap", "cap_net_raw=ep", "/usr/bin/ping") 11:54:10 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:11 [0]: Starting job "driver_cleanup" 11:54:11 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-vmware") 11:54:12 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:12 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-nouveau") 11:54:12 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:12 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-ati") 11:54:12 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:12 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-vmware") 11:54:12 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 1 11:54:12 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rncs", "--noconfirm", "xf86-input-wacom") 11:54:13 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:13 [0]: Starting job "nonfree_drivers" 11:54:13 [0]: Starting job "package_removal" 11:54:13 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rns", "--noconfirm", "calamares", "calamares-debug", "keyboardctl") 11:54:16 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:16 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "welcome") 11:54:16 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:16 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rns", "--noconfirm", "hardware-detection") 11:54:17 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:17 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "init-live") 11:54:17 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:17 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rns", "--noconfirm", "efibootmgr") 11:54:17 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:17 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ar") 11:54:18 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:18 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ast") 11:54:18 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:18 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-bg") 11:54:18 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:18 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-bs") 11:54:18 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:18 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ca") 11:54:19 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:19 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ca@valencia") 11:54:19 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:19 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-cs") 11:54:19 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:19 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-da") 11:54:19 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:19 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-de") 11:54:20 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:20 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-el") 11:54:20 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:20 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-eo") 11:54:20 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:20 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-es") 11:54:20 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:20 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-et") 11:54:21 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:21 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-eu") 11:54:21 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:21 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-fa") 11:54:21 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:21 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-fi") 11:54:21 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:21 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-fr") 11:54:21 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:21 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ga") 11:54:21 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:21 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-gl") 11:54:22 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:22 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-he") 11:54:22 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:22 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-hi") 11:54:22 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:22 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-hr") 11:54:22 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:22 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-hu") 11:54:22 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:22 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ia") 11:54:22 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:22 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-id") 11:54:22 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:22 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-is") 11:54:22 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:22 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-it") 11:54:23 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:23 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ja") 11:54:23 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:23 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-kk") 11:54:23 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:23 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-km") 11:54:23 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:23 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ko") 11:54:23 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:23 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-lt") 11:54:23 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:23 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-lv") 11:54:23 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:23 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-mr") 11:54:23 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:23 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-nb") 11:54:24 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:24 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-nds") 11:54:24 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:24 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-nl") 11:54:24 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:24 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-nn") 11:54:25 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:25 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-pa") 11:54:25 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:25 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-pl") 11:54:25 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:25 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-pt") 11:54:26 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:26 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-pt_BR") 11:54:26 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:26 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ro") 11:54:26 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:26 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ru") 11:54:27 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:27 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-sk") 11:54:27 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:27 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-sl") 11:54:27 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:27 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-sv") 11:54:27 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:27 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-tr") 11:54:27 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:27 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-ug") 11:54:27 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:27 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-uk") 11:54:28 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:28 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-wa") 11:54:28 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:28 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-zh_CN") 11:54:28 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:28 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "kde-l10n-zh_TW") 11:54:28 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:28 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-bs") 11:54:28 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:28 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-ca") 11:54:29 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:29 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-ca@valencia") 11:54:29 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:29 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-cs") 11:54:29 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:29 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-da") 11:54:29 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:29 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-de") 11:54:29 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:29 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-el") 11:54:29 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:29 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-es") 11:54:29 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:29 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-et") 11:54:29 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:29 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-fi") 11:54:29 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:29 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-fr") 11:54:30 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:30 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-gl") 11:54:30 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:30 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-hu") 11:54:30 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:30 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-it") 11:54:30 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:30 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-ja") 11:54:30 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:30 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-kk") 11:54:30 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:30 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-nb") 11:54:30 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:30 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-nl") 11:54:31 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:31 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-pl") 11:54:31 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:31 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-pt") 11:54:31 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:31 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-pt_BR") 11:54:31 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:31 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-ru") 11:54:31 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:31 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-sk") 11:54:31 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:31 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-sv") 11:54:32 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:32 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-uk") 11:54:32 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:32 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-zh_CN") 11:54:32 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:32 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "pacman", "-Rddn", "--noconfirm", "calligra-l10n-zh_TW") 11:54:32 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:32 [0]: Starting job "bootldr" 11:54:32 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "Firmware type: bios" 11:54:32 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "grub-install", "/dev/sda") 11:54:52 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:54:52 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-p1_2ejrh", "grub-mkconfig", "-o", "/boot/grub/grub.cfg") 11:55:09 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0 11:55:09 [0]: Starting job "gummi_entries" 11:55:09 [0]: Starting job "umount" 11:55:31 [8]: Shutting down Calamares... 11:55:31 [8]: Finished shutdown. 11:55:31 [0]: QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread 11:55:31 [0]: QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
  • Sayonara. In a previous kde distro I tried, tomahawk didn't work. In the meantime I'm glad clementine is in the repo in brand-spanking new Qt5.7

  • I can't remember the exact steps but I am sure I selected manual partitioning. The existing partitions were ext4 and swap. Both needed to be deleted and recreated before the installer proceeded. Thanks for the link for the hybrid graphics. At this time, I am satisfied with just Intel graphics in KaOS. I have NVidia + Intel graphics options available on the laptop's Windows 10 dual boot though.

  • The link above is already the Sysinfo result. My mistake, sorry about that. I thought the iso at Distrowatch was already the newest haha. The Sysinfo link has code that shows the part where I successfully installed the OS (starting line #1428). I think the lines before that explains what happened before, but I don't know how to interpret them. I made the USB installer using the dd command. Except for this, the Live system was practically flawless.

    Excerpt from the contents of the link above. This is where I deleted the partitions. Installer went through without a hitch from here. Regards.

    23:10:47 [0]: Starting job "Delete partition /dev/sda9." 
    23:10:49 [0]: Starting job "Delete partition /dev/sda7." 
    23:10:52 [0]: Starting job "Create new 97001MB partition on /dev/sda (ATA TOSHIBA MQ01ABD1) with file system xfs." 
  • Hello! After an absence I was glad to try KaOS once more when I discovered this new version (2016.04). I installed it on my relatively newer laptop last week. Here is my pacman log for details of my computer.


    Stuff I'm impressed with the most:

    1. The pacman log link. Clever way to get pc info (Octopi>Tools>Sys info)
    2. Much more organized website. I like that I can browse for packages very easily. I wanted to make sure that apps important to me were also in the repositories, i.e., smplayer, vlc, gimp, dropbbox, chrome, libreoffice, youtube-dl, intel-microcode and libva.
    3. I like the look and feel of the desktop. The colors and theme are simply high quality.
    4. Youtube videos play without tearing after a simple adjustment in the display compositor. The same goes for vlc and smplayer.
    5. Well thought out, intuitive installer. No problem dual booting with Windows 10.

    Issues I encountered and workarounds.

    1. During installation, the installer returned an error, something like "can't make a filesystem" on the target partition with existing OS even if "format" was checked. After several attempts, it successfully installed when I first deleted the target partition.
    2. After the first update (~770MB of packages- I think this was for the 2016.06 version) the Bluetooth icon disappeared, and Bluetooth adapters went missing. I also get USB device descriptor read error during boot. These 2 issues disappeared when I reboot with a USB thumb drive inserted in a USB port. Strange, but it worked.

    In fairness to the Devs, this Bluetooth icon disappearing was also an issue in my other KDE desktops before. I would install blueman as wokaround but blueman is not included in KaOS. Not a big deal. I don't intend to install any apps or package outside the official repositories. I don't want to mess up this well-oiled machine.

    Beautiful distro. Video doesn't tear. Just what I want. Thank you!

  • You're right, of course. Thanks for clarifying.

  • Hi demm, as bvbfan suggested would you kindly pack the mentioned intel driver? it seems to be needed to improve playback performance of videos.

  • It happened to my KaOS installation, too.

    In the meantime, I installed master pdf creator which seems ok so far.

  • output of vainfo

    libva info: VA-API version 0.37.0

    libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0

    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/i965_drv_video.so

    libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1

    vaInitialize failed with error code -1 (unknown libva error),exit

  • Just wanna share this. When I play a video file in any player (SMPlayer, mpv, VLC) the video always show some tearing, either full screen or not. Although the tearing was not so bad, it's quite noticeable and I was wondering whether it can still be lessened or removed. Most suggestions I read say to adjust v-sync, which I thought was not available.

    V-sync is in system settings>display>compositor. It's set at automatic as default. I experimented with "only when cheap" and "full screen repaint" and I got better video replay with either of the latter: very minor and rare instance of video tearing. You get a warning about performance being affected, but so far I have yet to notice any "bad" performance effect after changing the v-sync setting.

  • @michael, I appreciate the welcome pre. good to know me fellow Pinoy dito although your name does not sound Pinoy though.

  • Thank you acrux. The unresponsive issue you mention also appeared while changing time but I finally got it right after several attempts.

    I changed the theme to breeze and it worked! The next challenge was how to change the user icon in the login screen, as the user account icon that I chose did not appear there- it was always the default black and white sketch of a head. The directory you referred /etc/sddm.conf provided clue and to make a long story short, I succeeded in changing the user icon in the log in screen by putting a png image in that directory in this format: myusername.face.icon

    Now my login screen looks cool! I hope this also helps those of you who couldn't yet change the login icon.

  • Good day to everyone. Greetings from Pasig City, the Philippines. Thank you for creating KaOS. I found it at distrowatch.com as KaOS 2015.04. I love that it meets my needs for personal computing in an elegant manner.

    May I ask though, if any of you have problems with the login screen theme? I find the default login screen to be quite bare. So I went to login screen options (SDDM) and choose the Maui theme. However, the login screen did not change even after shutdown and restart. I really like the SDDM login themes. They go so well with the neat and clean interface of KaOS. How do I enable the Maui theme or the other themes?

    I appreciate your time. Best regards.