Four more KDE Apps added (2 are dependencies/libraries), visible for users Kolourpaint6 & Kdeconnect-kde6.
- Jun 30, 2023
- Joined Jun 27, 2023
First two games Qt6/kf6 based have been added, KPat & Kmines.
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This thread will be used to discuss ongoing ISO builds for Plasma 6.
The April News article explained what to expect currently and how to use.Today, a new Plasma 6 ISO has been uploaded, many of the instructions stay the same.
This ISO is not installable, only meant to test in Live mode. The installer Calamares is not ready for Qt 6/Plasma 6, nor are there many KDE Applications available in their Qt6 version.
As of July 23, the ISO can now be installed too,Calamares kf5 based is used. As of Oct 1, Calamares is kf6 based. If you decide to install, edit pacman.conf and add the build repo above core, then add kde-next above build once rebooted into the new system.This ISO is only linked in here, not available from the Download page.
Autologin is not enabled, since it varies greatly, depending on hardware whether X or Wayland is the better session. So, sddm will show you an empty username. Login name & password are live/live. Virtualbox currently does not work with a Wayland session, choose X11.
As of November 1 ISO, autlogin is enabled, there are no known issues to not use a Wayland session for all free graphics drivers.
PLasma 6 test ISOs have ended, see
427fda5c3c11387e66a67123ad3868bdf011cf714f952948e7178e26687b41e5 KaOS6-2023.12.30-x86_64.iso
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Qt 6.5.1 was released today, and all of the kf6/plasma 6 stack will be updated/rebuild on that new Qt.
After that is done, it most probably is quite doable to use Plasma 6 as your daily driver for light work, so it is time to post some instructions.The first step is the simplest one, and will not be explained here, since adjusting pacman.conf is by far the easiest part of any testing and if you do not know how to do that yet, moving to Plasma 6 is too soon for you.
- Edit pacman.conf and add the build repo above core, then add kde-next above build
- Make sure you have the needed applications already opened, if you plan to do this with a GUI
- Update the system after adding the new repos,
sudo pacman -Syu
- Remove the kf5 group
sudo pacman -Rncs kf5
, this will remove all of plasma, all Qt 5 based apps, etc - Plasma will close after this step, so no more panel and so on
- Install plasma 6,
sudo pacman -S kf6 kdeplasma6
, after this step, panel will re-appear again - Install commonly used KDE applications in their kf6 version, all named with
at the end, like dolphin6, kate6, konsole6, midna-themes6, octopi6 - Check the online package viewer, kde-next repo, for any additional apps you might need
- Do install croeso6 to have a GUI for plasma settings, so far systemsettings6 is not usable
Issue with crashing systemsettings is fixed, installing Croeso no longer a strict necessity.
Now it is time to reboot, GUI won't work for this, so just run run
sudo reboot
If you should run into any issues, it is easy to revert back to Plasma 5, just remove kf6 with -Rncs and install kdeplasma5, this can always be done in tty.Falkon & Dolphin are now also ready for use as kf6/Qt6 based applications. Once Yakuake 'sees' Konsole again, instructions will be posted here to convert a regular (non-production) install from Plasma 5 to Plasma 6. It actually is quite easy to do, and you can also go right back to Plasma 5 should you no longer wish to use Plasma 6.
Images of Falkon & Dolphin kf6:
- In Reviews
Quite a few publications about the news of KaOS' ten year existence, this one has a bit of a review too: All of Frameworks 6, Plasma 6 and a few more apps are now build against Qt 6.5.0. It is getting far more usable with apps like konsole, gwenview, spectacle and kate fully working. A preview (Live only) ISO with Plasma 6 will be released shortly, 2 images of the current status:
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After a few months of quiet, work has resumed to get ready for Plasma 6.
Upstream now has master (in git) set to Frameworks 6 (Qt6 based thus) & Plasma master is in the proces of doing the same.
Now all in kde-next are build directly from master git, so Frameworks there is at version 5.240.0 & Plasma is at 5.27.80.
Not many KDE Apps can be build yet, since almost all still look for kf5 (eventhough that kf5 could be Qt6 based.....). Kate is one exception, it is up in kde-next as kate6 23.03.80.
Status image:
First application added to the Frameworks 6/ Plasma 6/ KDE apps builds in kde-next.
Konsole (Qt6 based), works good, so now it is possible to actually do something with a pure Plasma 6 install:
Plasma 6 in virtualbox, limited of course, but it is up.Plasma 5.27 will be the last Plasma version based on Qt5, so it is getting time to see how far Plasma Qt6 based will build. That means, all of the Frameworks will have to be build on Qt6 first.
Close to 1/3 of the Frameworks (5.99.0 based) build on Qt6 are now in the [kde-next] repo. Not installable alongside Qt5 based versions, since the libraries share the same name (header files are all KF6xxxx named).
You can follow along there to see the progress. Milestones of something really working will be posted here.
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Plasma theme, color-scheme, kvantum and konsole Moe Dark
Icons McMuse-circle-dark
Latte dock Edna layoutHello,
I wasn't at home so i couldn't answer. Here it is (as for now) - im still playing with it when i have some time.