Hello everyone
I have been searching for months for a distro after switching from windows.
Right now I have a dual boot setup, Linux lite as my primary and Kaos on an external hard drive for testing.
I installed Kaos about an hour ago but I have used Kde more than anything else since I started distro hopping, looking for the distro that fits me.
A few things that I need came preinstalled with Kaos, simplescreenrecorder and krita.
I have not opened Screenrecorder yet, but I have tried to use Krita but it keeps crashing.
Is there a way to install the latest stable version of Krita?
How do I install the drivers for my graphics card? (Nvidia gt610)
Other than Krita crashing I am very, very impressed with Kaos.
All the other Kde distributions I have tried were resource hogs.
Kaos is really smooth, fast and uses less resources than other Kde distro that I have tried.
The installer was hands down the best installer I have used.