
  • Mar 5, 2023
  • Joined Jan 14, 2020
  • I commented out most except Netherlands, Singapore and UK servers, pacman connects and install packages fine but octopi has no internet.

  • I can't get SysInfo, Octopi can't connect to mirrors see screenshot: https://i.ibb.co/S5M4mCB/OCTOPI-NOT-CONNECTED.png. I removed and reinstalled Octopi but still can't connect.

    /usr/bin/octopi -d
    0 pkgs => Time elapsed at begining of show(): 51 mili seconds.

    0 pkgs => Time elapsed before refreshGroupsWidget(): 311 mili seconds.

    Time elapsed obtaining Unrequired pkgs from 'ALL group' list: 651 mili seconds.

    Time elapsed obtaining Foreign pkgs from 'ALL group' list: 716 mili seconds.

    0 pkgs => Time elapsed before building pkgs from 'ALL group' list: 716 mili seconds.

    Time elapsed obtaining pkgs from 'ALL group' list: 797 mili seconds.
    Time elapsed setting outdated foreign pkgs from 'ALL group' list: 797 mili seconds.
    Time elapsed iterating over all pkgs from 'ALL group' list: 1001 mili seconds.
    Time elapsed setting the list to the treeview: 1003 mili seconds.
    2169 pkgs => Time elapsed building pkgs from 'ALL group' list: 1225 mili seconds.

    _print (begin): Checking core main apps... <br>
    _print (end): Checking core main apps... <br>
    _print (begin): <b>Mirror-check...</b><br><br>
    _print (begin): Repo 'core' could not be found
    _print (end): Repo 'core' could not be found
    _print (begin): Repo 'main' could not be found
    _print (end): Repo 'main' could not be found
    _print (begin): Repo 'apps' could not be found
    _print (end): Repo 'apps' could not be found
    _print (begin):
    _print (end):

    Name : octopi
    Version : 0.14.0-2
    Description : This is Octopi, a powerful Pacman frontend using Qt libs
    Architecture : x86_64
    URL : https://tintaescura.com/projects/octopi/
    Licenses : GPL2
    Groups : system
    Provides : None
    Depends On : pacman pacman-contrib pkgfile knotifications alpm_octopi_utils qtermwidget sudo
    Optional Deps : None
    Required By : None
    Optional For : None
    Conflicts With : None
    Replaces : None
    Installed Size : 7.54 MiB
    Packager : BuildDrone <http://kaosx.us>
    Build Date : Sun 06 Nov 2022 20:54:57
    Install Date : Sat 04 Mar 2023 19:44:10
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : No
    Validated By : SHA-256 Sum

    I'm using MidnaDark theme.

    Screenshot of screen locker error: https://i.ibb.co/kx4fy5P/PXL-20230304-090942788.jpg

  • After suspend, screen shows unlock screen but pressing Unlock button does not work. Sometimes the screen will show: 'The screen locker is broken and unlocking is not possible anymore. In order to unlock switch to a virtual terminal (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F2), log in and execute the command: loginctl unlock session x'.

    Unlocking the session logs me back in fine, it's just very annoying. Is there a fix to this issue?