
  • Apr 20, 2024
  • Joined Mar 7, 2014
  • mendez Since, phonon-gstreamer is obsolete, and with Plasma6 we will use phonon-vlc, maybe it makes sense to split VLC into libs and gui?

    Splitting didn't make too much sense, and wasn't done for these first few months of a stable Plasma 6 release.
    But still no sign if/when vlc will move to Qt6, so another option is being tested now, using a much lighter phonon backend in phonon-mpv.
    Since mpv is already part of a default install, it really is a much better option, since phonon-mpv is fully Qt6 ported.

  • Qtwebkit-tp is no longer needed, today the last 10 or so packages where either rebuild to use qtwebengine/not use qtwebkit or removed (smtube & cutemarked were removed, latter no release since 2016, former no indication it will be ported away from qtwebkit), so when all have moved to the stable repos, qtwebkit-tp will be removed.

  • A start is being made to make Pipewire default. This will mean it eventually will replace Pulseaudio. That replacement won't be done just yet, but testing has started to replace jack2.
    This is build repo only and won't move as is to all users.
    On your next update you'll receive a question regarding removing jack2, default answer is No right now, since it is not set to replace yet, just conflicts & provides, please answer y(es) to continue the update.
    Once all is tested as working as should, replace will be added (otherwise, all will reverted, and jack2 will stay as is).