Thank you! So for example, 'iperf' shows up in main/bash-completion, but 'iperf3' is empty. I'm assuming the iperf3 utility is not in the KaOS repo then, right?
- Sep 6, 2016
- Joined Feb 9, 2016
- In Find package
- In Find package
A bit of a n00b question, but how do I search for the package that provides a particular command? Ex. iperf3?
My apologies, I should provide much more detail. In previous setups I had relied on using the Qt installer from which did a fairly good job of automatically detecting whichever version of Qt that it had installed along side of qtcreator and configuring the IDE to use the latest installed. With the repo version, when opening qtcreator, selecting Tools->Options->Build&Run->Qt Versions, none are auto-detected. However, upon first run a manual entry is already populated which is Qt 4.8.7 from /usr/bin/qmake. Adding another manual entry of /usr/bin/qmake-qt5 and editing the Kits to point to this fixed me up. My laziness got the better of me.
pacman -Qi qtcreator
Name : qtcreator
Version : 3.6.0-2
Description : Lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment.
Architecture : x86_64
Licenses : LGPL
Groups : programming
Provides : None
Depends On : qt5-tools qt5-quick1
Optional Deps : qt5-docs: for the integrated Qt documentation
qt5-webkit-examples: to work with webkit examples [installed]
gdb: for the debugger [installed]
cmake: for cmake project suppport [installed]
git: for git support [installed]
mercurial: for mercurial support [installed]
bzr: for bazaar support [installed]
Required By : None
Optional For : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Installed Size : 77.72 MiB
Packager : Anke Boersma <>
Build Date : Fri 08 Jan 2016 11:34:28 PM EST
Install Date : Mon 01 Feb 2016 11:18:09 PM EST
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : No
Validated By : SHA256 Sum
The qt package is 4.8.7 while the qt5 package is 5.5.1. I'd like to be able to build against Qt 5.x from qt creator, but it seems like it only looks for qt in /bin and not qt5. The installer from seems to handle patching things up ok, but I'd rather use the package from the repo. Suggestions?