As is shown in the subject, any ideas/suggestions to share about installing a dictionary ported to KaOS? :) Thanks.
- Joined Jan 25, 2015
Personally, earlier icon style (such as in the 7-flower bg times) seems far more awesome than recent style changes. And Midna Flat Narrow is my choice.
Well it's very nice to notice the change of KaOS logo.
It is so full of dynamics that I think of Pepsi Cola at the first sight.
Could you please elaborate the meaning of the design and, if possible, share any story behind the design? :
Nice to have your prompt and satisfying reply. Thank you.
Five days 've gone since November. I am eager to know whether there's any intention of a current month ISO release or, an early Nov. Status report?
Thanks from the guy who for months can't stop browing your website three times a day for any updates. :
I am new to KaOS and pretty much appreciate its philosohpy. Months having been passed, sometimes the camera of my laptop would give a flash light itself; I knew it had automatically worked for just a second.
Previously I didnot take it for serious and thought it was my mis-opeartions somewhere; later I found when I browsed websites with firefox or used Calligra, the laptop-camera occasionally auto lighted as well.
As a highly security-sensitive individual of little knowledge about linux, I was much afraid there were hackers controlling my computer and taking my photos. So I've presently covered the camera hole with a glued black tape.
If you others didnot face with such wierd issue before, let me know please. I would then start checking my hardware of any possible spying tricks. Also, any more infomation about KaOS security measures or strategy that its official website didnot mention is highly welcomed to introduce here.