Thanks Anke.
- Joined Mar 6, 2014
Im the manteiner (but very noob : ) of the midna workart on AUR. I have make de PKGBUILD whith the x86_64 architecture. As I am currently using KaOs, and my machine is 64bit, I can not test if properly supports the i686 architecture. A user tells me through AUR comments, that when changing the PKGBUILD with i686 works correctly for him/her.
The question is: Is it safe to update the PKGBUILD for both architectures?
PD: The packages that I maintain are the Midna Wallpaper, KDM, KSplash and Plasma Themes.
I try karbon but Its too difficult for me. Anaway i will try to learn.
Yes I do it throught kcm-ufw. I get the error when adding a rule.
I am a newcomer to KaOs, from Arch KDE, so the change has not been too great. I can see there are many people from Spain over here, it is certain that in the Spanish-speaking blogosphere the distro has had quite impact.
Also say that I am a part of the "stalmanian" faction and member of the FSF, so I would like to avoid all the software that is not 100% free, but for the sake of usability this is not always possible.
Before, the software on my PC was just a tool, but for some time, is almost essentially a hobby. After exploring for a time the web languages like PHP, now I want to investigate programming in bash and QT.
Nos leemos.
I've been trying to configure the firewall for my needs, but it seems that does not work properly on my computer. The message I get is "Can not insert rule ERROR: problem running".
Not a big problem for me, because I think I feel more comfortable managing my firewall using a bash script with iptables commands. Just curious the problem I have a problem is caused for my device or is it more widespread.
Although I am very noob in bash I'm trying to mount a more complex script using kdialog also. I have to finish fixing a feature to make it presentable, then I'll post as it could be useful to someone. Then maybe I lose myself in Qtcretor to try something more decent. We'll see xD.
PD: I'll do a post of presentation, since my intention is to stay long in this community and try to contribute what were in my hand.
I would suggest the mail Flattr icon be amended, giving it a bit of color, because completely white as now it becomes difficult to distinguish in the clear midna plasma theme background.
Thanks for the job put into the distro¡¡
I can take the opportunity to suggest a specific icon for Rekonq?, I love the chromed drangon of its official logo.