Hello. A few weeks ago; started an issue. Every time I make a System update via console; the same Notification appears in a console line, previous to any package update: "error: no se pudo obtener el archivo (x) desde kaosx.us: The requested URL returned error: 404": and then, the package is updated correctly. It`s a kind a problem, that I must to solve?

Thanks a lot

You received a pacman-mirrorlist update a few weeks ago, that one contains the updated url for the kaosx.us server.
Just check the /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew, you will see what the correct line is:

Server = https://repo.kaosx.us/$repo

You did get a warning to about mirrorlist.pacnew during the updates, always check your files against a pacnew file when you get those warnings.
Make sure to edit your /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist to update to the above new url

Updates do continue because the next Server in your mirrorlist is used after the first one fails to connect.


Hello: I`ve edited /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist line, with the new line "Server = https://repo.kaosx.us/$repo"
I hope I have understood, that this is the needed modification...

Thanks and I`ll tracking this issue

pandalinux changed the title to [SOLVED] Error 404 Notification before each package update .