Because kdewebkit framework was degraded to porting aids, maybe some cleaning will be useful

kdepim-apps-libs webkit droped, replaced by qtwebengine?

messagelib should compile with qtwebengine support

ktp-auth-handler not mentioned in cmakelists, maybe not needed

choqok webkit only needed for "Konqueror Choqok\" plugin".


k3b webkit optional

pimcommon webkit droped, and qtwebengine also

libksieve should compile with qtwebengine support

kdevelop should compile with qtwebengine support

kdepim-runtime should compile with qtwebengine support

Kjs framework

ki18n ported from KJS to QtScript

Kross framework

kreport ported from Kross to QJSEngine

Khtml framework

ark khtml droped

kdepim-addons khtml droped

kio-extras khtml optional

libkgeomap khtml droped

parley should compile with qtwebengine support

systemsettings classic module and khtml are optional

2 months later

Awesome, big thanks! 😀

PS You forgot about kdepim-runtime 😉

PS2 plasma-workspace - khtml not mentioned in cmakelists, maybe not needed

  • demm replied to this.

    mendez PS You forgot about kdepim-runtime

    Already addressed when the KDE Apps 19.08.2 build started, see later commits from today.

    Will check all for khtml before building Plasma 5.17.0 Thursday.

      demm Already addressed when the KDE Apps 19.08.2 build started, see later commits from today.

      A, ok. My bad.

      kdepim-runtime-19.08.2-1 pkgbuild doesn't have dependence on qtwebengine, but in cmakelists there is WebEngineWidgets. Strange that it was built at all.

      It gets pulled in by other depends.

      2 months later
      4 months later


      One more thing, but it is not related to frameworks... What is your opinion on libsoup?

      libsoup vs libcurl

      The most annoying is this: "libsoup is using GNOME-related libs, making it a less convenient choice for non-GNOME environments"

      pacman -Sii libsoup
      appstream appstream-glib darktable fwupd gst-plugins-good networkmanager ostree
      telepathy-gabble telepathy-salut

      networkmanager ported to curl

      telepathy-gabble libsoup is probably optional.

      ostree can be configured --with-curl --without-soup

      With rest apps it will probably be difficult to get rid of libsoup.

      Sorry for the noise if it's a wrong topic.

      • demm replied to this.

        mendez Sorry for the noise if it's a wrong topic.

        Not at all, it is always appreciated if there is help with hunting down changed/wrong dependencies.
        Lipsoup will be removed as much as possible.
        Same has happened for almost all Gnome related.

        8 months later

        For 20.12 (20.11.90)


        Last user is libkvkontakte. Port to qtwebengine is waiting to test and merge - commit


        rocs ported to QTextBrowser

        libkgeomap - abandonware, not part of a release. Dependency of Digikam and kipi-plugins


        konqueror ported away

        plasma-firewall ported away

        qtcurve ported away

        2 months later

        Yep. He already fixed the typo.

        8 months later


        I just noticed that there hasn't been a release in almost a year. Maybe soon.

        2 months later
        4 months later

        For 22.04 (22.03.90)


        umbrello webkit optional with qtextbrowser fallback


        kget kdelibs4support removed