It gets pulled in by other depends.

2 months later
4 months later


One more thing, but it is not related to frameworks... What is your opinion on libsoup?

libsoup vs libcurl

The most annoying is this: "libsoup is using GNOME-related libs, making it a less convenient choice for non-GNOME environments"

pacman -Sii libsoup
appstream appstream-glib darktable fwupd gst-plugins-good networkmanager ostree
telepathy-gabble telepathy-salut

networkmanager ported to curl

telepathy-gabble libsoup is probably optional.

ostree can be configured --with-curl --without-soup

With rest apps it will probably be difficult to get rid of libsoup.

Sorry for the noise if it's a wrong topic.

  • demm replied to this.

    mendez Sorry for the noise if it's a wrong topic.

    Not at all, it is always appreciated if there is help with hunting down changed/wrong dependencies.
    Lipsoup will be removed as much as possible.
    Same has happened for almost all Gnome related.

    8 months later

    For 20.12 (20.11.90)


    Last user is libkvkontakte. Port to qtwebengine is waiting to test and merge - commit


    rocs ported to QTextBrowser

    libkgeomap - abandonware, not part of a release. Dependency of Digikam and kipi-plugins


    konqueror ported away

    plasma-firewall ported away

    qtcurve ported away

    2 months later

    Yep. He already fixed the typo.

    8 months later


    I just noticed that there hasn't been a release in almost a year. Maybe soon.

    2 months later
    4 months later

    For 22.04 (22.03.90)


    umbrello webkit optional with qtextbrowser fallback


    kget kdelibs4support removed

    3 months later

    Qtwebkit-tp is no longer needed, today the last 10 or so packages where either rebuild to use qtwebengine/not use qtwebkit or removed (smtube & cutemarked were removed, latter no release since 2016, former no indication it will be ported away from qtwebkit), so when all have moved to the stable repos, qtwebkit-tp will be removed.

    2 months later