- Edited
Today the last packages that are part of Plasma 5, but not ported to Plasma 6 yet, have done so, Plasma 6 is now as complete as Plasma 5. New added are plasma-browser-integration6, plasma-vault6 & plasma-disks6.
Earlier this week it was also made possible to fully use Flatpaks on Plasma 6.
For that, Flatpak moved to a pre-release build, so it is ready to use the needed appstream 1.0.0. Also added were xdg-desktop-portal-kde6 & discover6.
With the KDE Megarelease Beta at the end of November, all of kf6 will start the move to the stable repo's (co-installable with kf5), that way, a start can be made to move all KDE Apps that only rely on Frameworks (no Plasma parts) to kf6 builds.
For those moves, no xxxx6 naming will be used, it will be the regular naming, so you will slowly see your KDE Apps kf5 based being replaced by kf6 based versions.
Already done this way in kde-next are Kompare, Falkon, Kwalletmanager, Svgpart, Kcm-wacomtablet & Markdownpart.