With a bit of a delay (not the planned every 2 weeks), a new ISO is up again today. All kf6/Plasma 6 build from git checkouts August 18.
Octopi is build from regular upstream code, porting to Qt6 is done there now too.
Croeso is back to being an app used for new installs, no more password section, packages section is available, though many normally listed apps were removed, since they are not kf6 ported. Neochat was added to the ISO, but is not usable yet.

I tested the new install, and got an error window titled Installation Failed, subtitle: Boost.Python error in job "userkf5". Details:

<div><strong>&lt;class 'AttributeError'&gt;</strong></div><div>'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'</div><div><br/>Traceback:</div><div><pre>File &quot;/usr/lib/calamares/modules/userkf5/main.py&quot;, line 129, in run

New ISO is up again, fixing the above error (known issue, for all other ISO's I manually adjust one Calamares file to adjust for a Plasma 6 ISO naming, corrected again on this new release).
Moved to a new kernel, 6.4.12 is on the ISO.

a month later

Two weeks too late, but a new Plasma 6 ISO is up again today.
Still uses Calamares Qt5 based as the installer.
Moved to a new sound theme, ocean-sound-theme will replace oxygen-sounds in Plasma 6, so already added now.
kf6, Plasma 6 and the KDE Apps are all build from a git checkout on Sept 17.
ISO sets the wrong wallpaper, doesn't use the Midna theme, just uses the Breeze wallpaper, investigating what changed upstream. Workaround used sets the Midna wallpaper again.
Logout/reboot/shutdown from the GUI does not work, results in a frozen system, use cli for now, like sudo reboot, already known for a few weeks, no solution found yet to fix. Fix found, check the SHA256SUM to get the correct, updated ISO.

New ISO is up to deal with typing error, the ISO name had an L instead of l......
A bit more work on the midna theme is also included in the Set 23 ISO.
As always, see the first post for the actual link.

8 days later

This time quicker than every 2 weeks, but a new Plasma 6 ISO is up to publish some major changes.
This is a first ISO with Qt 6.6 (6.6.0RC), all of kf6, Plasma & KDE Apps were build from their latest git checkout 2 days on this new Qt version.
And this ISO includes Calamares QT6/kf6 based.
Not all modules are ready at this point, for example, none of the QML modules load yet, but using all widgets modules results in successful installs, so this ISO is now kf5 free.
Since it is not possible yet to run the bootloader choice module, only bootloader that will run on this ISO is systemd-boot, thus (legacy) BIOS installs will not get a bootloader.
For those older systems, either only use Live mode, or add the install to an already existing bootloader on your system.

12 days later

With Qt 6.6.0 now being final, a new ISO is uploaded with all of kf6, Plasma 6 & KDE Apps kf6 based, build on this latest Qt.
Calamares Qt6 is now also just about complete, all QML modules are back in use like in the kf5 version. Only issue is the keyboard preview not working yet, but that does not effect the actual install. All bootloader choices/options are back.

Virtualbox Wayland session has invisible mouse pointer, but it's smoother and nicer than X11

  • demm replied to this.

    bvbfan Virtualbox Wayland works as should here, when using the VBoxVGA driver, still won't load with VMSVGA (no issue with mouse pointer then).

      Enable 3D and VMSVGA will work.
      The only issue is invisible pointer, everything is smooth as it's in real machine.

      @demm I fix problem with cursor, it's because of hardware cursors in Wayland, it needs to add

      echo 'export KWIN_FORCE_SW_CURSOR=1' >> ~/.bashrc

      And it works, you could test and add it as configuration for Wayland session.

      demm So the 10.13 release is up and running enough for me to stay on it. Found a webapp for my check register, so kmymoney is no longer needed and I also no longer need megasync to sync it either. I just have a small problem. I forgot how to unlock the Plasma 6 panel so I can add apps to it. I'll remember after about the 5th time. 🙂))). If you can remind how, I will be grateful.

        If I right-click on my panel, I see an option for Enter Edit Mode.
        I have tried dragging launchers there, but with mixed success. I wish I could do it consistently so I could tell you how.

          Plasma 6 is NOT ready for a regular end-user production install, please use a stable Plasma 5 ISO from the Download page:

            mparillo Yeah, the Plasma 5 Panel Enter Edit Mode had a LOCK/UNLOCK in more options. I can drag icons to the panel Task Bar not the panel.

            demm "Plasma 6 is NOT ready for a regular end-user production install," I'm not in a production environment and I have never been a "regular end-user". I'm staying on the Test ISO because because it is doing the important things I want it to do.

            chief I figured it out. The panel is actually not locked. I just dragged the apps I want in the panel to the panel. The The Task Manager was pretty close to the app launcher so I had to be accurate with my first placement. It went smooth after. And I can changed the ICON properties and move them around.https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/391626945_335550215497417_715124993487767323_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p180x540&_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=4Sx93pPrmNMAX_BPLzk&_nc_ht=scontent.ftpa1-1.fna&oh=00_AfAGVBHjgbz4DTj_kDrZ8Vu7qTd6_pWSo9gbxFXhf0WHvw&oe=653083C0 The link is a picture of my working desktop. It does the main things I want, and now I'll play with it to make it awesome. 🙂

              chief It does the main things I want

              Same for me. In July, I welcomed the opportunity to test-drive Plasma 6 without building it myself, and I cannot believe how much more usable it has become since then. I have other laptops, which I use very occasionally (in part, while I wait for konversation6 and print-manager6), but KaOS 6 has been my daily runner since 2023-09-23. I acknowledge that the next rebuild might break something (or maybe even everything), and if it does, I know to report it, but not to whine about it, and I will just wait for the next ISO.