I used to run google-chrome on Plasma 6, right from the application launcher. Now, I get the bouncy cursor, and the window draws, but the inside seems to not draw. Running google-chrome-unstable from the konsole, I see:

Location of variable sk_FragColor conflicts with another variable.

INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU.
WARNING: Attempting to use a delegate that only supports static-sized tensors with a graph that has dynamic-sized tensors (tensor#115 is a dynamic-sized tensor).
[3967:3967:1004/054102.990421:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!

sysinfo right after I installed Plasma 6: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marco-parillo/KaOS-Notes/main/octopi-sysinfo-2963188957.log

sysinfo right now: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marco-parillo/KaOS-Notes/main/octopi-sysinfo-287688756.log

This month's pacman log: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marco-parillo/KaOS-Notes/main/pacman.log-2023-10

Note that Falkon and Qutebrowser continue to work fine.

No, Chrome is not compiled, no setting a distro can change, and FWIW, no issue running Chrome 119 here on Plasma 6.
Anytime you run into an issue with chrome, either use an older version from your cache, or more likely in this case, clean all chrome files in your users home ~./config
In case info needed, get the older/previous version from /var/cache/pacman/google-chrome* and use sudo pacman -U to get that file name.

    demm more likely in this case, clean all chrome files in your users home ~./config

    That was it:

    rm -rf ~./config/google-chrome-unstable/

    And everything is back to normal.