I can't take the update (since yesterday) because of a confliction between the newest digikam and clementine.

I can't delete gstreamer0.10-good-plugins because clementine needs it...and I need clementine.

Any help ?

This is a transitional situation.

We can't stay with unmaintained gstreamer0.10, it stopped being maintained for 2-3 years now.

KaOS is in the middle of completely moving to gstreamer 1. Just Clementine is not ready yet, though upstream has had a gstreamer 1.2 branch in development for 9 months.

Over the last 2 weeks you might have noticed reports in the build section of this forum about this migration.

For the time being, either use a different application like amarok, cantata, smplayer, or install/remove gstreamer0.10-good-plugin, depending on needing digikam or clementine.

When you need digikam:

sudo pacman -Rdd gstreamer0.10-good-plugin

The above line will also make your update work now.

Hopefully Clementine will finally release a gstreamer 1 version soon.

Added this to the May news item:

Since the last update, I've not been able to play any audio files in Amarok. I did uninstall clementine along with gstreamer0.10-good-plugins as outlined above, but with no luck. Any help will be deeply appreciated.

Amarok has nothing to do with with these gstreamer changes, no need to uninstall any. These instructions are ONLY for users with both digikam and clementine installed.

Was your mirror fully synced when updating? Can you run amarok from cli and see if it shows any (error) messages?

What files have you tried playing? mp3, wav, ogg, or any other format? Do they still play in other players like smplayer, dragonplayer?

And a reminder for all, "last update" is complete meaningless, no one knows what you updated, how long ago you updated before this. Post logs of what was updated, then it is clear what you are talking about.

Sorry to have put you off!

By last update I meant the update that I had done a couple of days back, when the pacman threw up a message telling me that gstreamer0.10-good-plugins and the current update are in conflict. That's the reason I continued on this thread.

Meanwhile, as suggested by you, I checked if the mp3 files that I tried to play could play in smplayer. Yes, it did! Meanwhile, Amarok & Juk plays ogg files.

So, what is that I should do so that Amarok plays mp3 files? I reinstalled Amarok too but with no luck. This is the cli o/p ( I have not included the "amarok --debug" o/p as it is pretty lengthy :

[tadvrat@kaos ~]$ amarok

Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceAdded(QString)

Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceRemoved(QString)

amarok(4660)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:

QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action

amarok(4660)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:



** amarok --debug **


[tadvrat@kaos ~]$ "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<lfm status="failed">

<error code="6">

No user with that name was found




Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.

For logs needed, meant was the actual pacman.log from the update, and preferably one or two updates before all the way to current date, pastebin it from /var/log/pacman.log

This output of amarok shows no useful info, maybe 'amarok -debug' will.

When you did the -Rdd for Clementine, did you also remove gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins? Do you have qt5-webkit installed or gst-plugins-bad?

Amarok will need either gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins or gst-plugins-bad to play mp3.

Please report here if that fixes your issue, then a rebuild of amarok will follow to add one as depend or opdepend.

Yes, installing gst-plugins-bad worked! Although gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins didn't. Just for your info : the media-center hasn't been functioning from the day one (it still isn't). I shall post this again in the appropriate section though. I thought I shall do it here, just in case you can find some connection.

Many thanks! I am truly enjoying this slick distro!! Good luck!

If you mean plasma-mediacenter, then run 'pacman -Qm', you'll see then it is a non-repo package, removed from the repos with the KDE 4.13 move. There are no plans to make plasma-mediacenter ready for baloo in KDE 4, so it is completely broken, thus removed.


I think they are trying.

Or this for frameworks only?

That is for KF5, no plans are there for baloo and KDE 4