Hello everyone. I've tried to solve this problem, but I can not do it alone, so I'm trying to solve it here. In a nutshell, my notebook has two dedicated graphics hardware: one, small, a integrated...
I get no audio device after last update. I use an AudioQuest DragonFly Black v1.5 which is correctly find by alsamixer.
I get this error from journal: pulseaudio[3785]: [pulseaudi...
pulseaudio[3785]: [pulseaudi...
After upgrading to libsignon-glib 2.1-1, KTP does not see accounts.
Downgrading to 1.14-1 fixes the problem
I just updated my system, and noticed that Firefox got a new name; Nightly. I don't see any rebranding of the name Firefox, so I figure that Firefox got replaced by Firefox Nightly aft...
Hello there! In my neverending path to Linux with my laptop, a cursed Acer Predatorr g9-561-75MB, I always wanted to test KaOS in its fully potential, meaning using its nVidia GTX 970M with pro...
Yesterday, I was able ...
I use a headless KaOS installation for my Kodi system, which it working smooth. The only think I noticed I have problem with is my imon lcd display. I can get it to work until next reboot, then it...
Try to configure Application Style -> GNOME Application Style (GTK). After giving new value or settings, then press "Apply" button. But when pressing "Apply" button, the window suddenly close. N...
I'm really confused, why LibreOffice font looks so "blurry" on KaOS. I have turn on font antialiasing on System Settings, also set on RGB and Slight. I'm using nonfree driver, and I have set config...
After installing kmix my Meta key and screen edges feature stopped launching the app launcher. The issue was in the ~.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc file. Where the [Shortcuts] gl...
Hi, Currently the distribution is with kernel 4.16.14-1, as I do to update kernel 4.18. The kernel 4.18 is unstable to the version of kaOS.
I have a Toshiba laptop, and use kToshiba to configure the hardware. Although, I just noticed that it has stopped working. I get "ktoshiba: error while loading shared libraries: libmnl.so.0...
Greetings all,
Love KaOS and the vision. Nice work. I noticed there is a bug in the default display manager.
The month and month number are displayed alongside each other e.g. Augus...
I had problem with Firefox spell checking for a while now, and tried to find a solution to make it work. Unfortenly, I havn't. I have spell check enabled, and both English and Swedish d...
I just poked around in my settings, and just noticed that under the language I got an error message saying "Translation files for the language 'sv' couldn't be found...", also if I try adding Engli...
I would be grateful if someone could enlighten me as to the changes to Linux-next kernel after Ver.4.16.12-1
I first noticed that the system would not resume from suspend after the updates ...
I think since last two updates (around July 25th-27th) the bluetooth is not autostarting when I login, I have to enable via the system tray. Once the adapter enabled I have no problems with it.
Can't find any switch or option to disable it. Even disabled the Translucency desktop effect.
hello, before I used to change the mirror with kdesu kate /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist but now I can not. How should I do it?. Thank you
Hola, gracias por vuestra ayuda. Hoy, 07/06/2018, despues de actualizar el sistema ya no me arranca Korganizer. Ayer me iba bien. Gracias. Saludos cordiales
Hi, thanks for ...