This KWin fork focuses on code clarity and Wayland.
Hi Ils ont possible to add kalendar to packagelist. It s a really cool calendar application for KDE, really better than l'organiser.
I uploaded a new video
What's the recommended/preferred unattended remote access solution in Kaos? I had been using XRDP in other Linux distros. The options that I've seen in Kaos so far has been Anydesk via Flat...
Sorry I'm writing here, but I can not send than message in transifex, why I do not know.
I am in the process of translating KaOS into Danish. But I have save changes in two text lines in ca...
There is a new QML based desktop, that uses KWin as its WM.
Some of its components may turn out to be beneficial for us.
I am not quite sure about the relationship, but it seems li...
Check out this new mpv and QML/KDE based video player, it is also available via AppImage:
Hello, could be mirror for Czech republic changed from: to:
Wishing you a happy and successful New Year. Many thanks for providing a great OS. What on earth do I put this post under.::
This happens to me whenever I install/update Kaos, I start getting strange characters when typing.
System settings->Input devices->Keyboard Go to "Layouts" tab I...
Hello there! I have a quick question. Im looking for white KaOS icon (.png) to add it for rEFind ( default there is no such icon - only linux pinguin one). Maybe You have such one? Ive been lo...
Hello, My name is Madelyn. I am studying C/C++ as i wish to directly contribute to projects including the Linux kernel itself one day. I have used linux for 7 years and started when I was 13. C...
(google translation). Hello. I am an absolutely satisfied new Kaos user. This distribution is fantastic. I will be using it for many years. There were a few packages missing for my persona...
Hello there! I have a question. I can't find any repo i...
Yes it is! It broke my heart when I couldn't get Virtual Box to work. Had to go back to Debian yesterday 'cuz of this. My work revolves around VirtualBox, and my bosses won't change their mind...
Hello there, I have a quesiton to You guys. What are Your favourites programs when it comes to: 1 - Internet Browser 2 - Video Player 3 - Music Player 4 - Graphic Program /T...
Hello there! I was looking at main page of KaOS and i saw a couple of nice looking themes, f.e.:
i'm darknetmatrix on the web, user of Solus and OpenSuse tumbleweed & windows 10 Just downloaded the 2020.07 ISO. I want to install this dualboot on my existing windows 10. Are ther...
Hello, does someone know if it is possible to set history length in Krunner. Especially after typing few first chars of ...
Hi to everyone, here is my telegram channel for those who are using KaOS(And other Distro (ubuntu, arch etc..)). The ...