
  • Mar 1, 2022
  • Joined Aug 24, 2015
  • I am using plasma-pa for the first time and I've noticed that it is missing a feature. I can't move with it a playback stream from one sink to an other one e.g. from Analog Stereo to HDMI or vice versa. So the question is, do they plan adding that?

    The positive thing about it is that I learnt some basic pacmd / pactl commands. Example:

    $ pactl list short sinks

    0 alsa_output.pci-0000_00_03.0.hdmi-stereo-extra2 module-alsa-card.c s16le 2ch 44100Hz RUNNING

    1 alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo module-alsa-card.c s16le 2ch 44100Hz SUSPENDED

    $pacmd list-sink-inputs | grep index

    index: 5

    $pacmd move-sink-input 5 1

    $ pactl list short sinks

    0 alsa_output.pci-0000_00_03.0.hdmi-stereo-extra2 module-alsa-card.c s16le 2ch 44100Hz SUSPENDED

    1 alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo module-alsa-card.c s16le 2ch 44100Hz RUNNING

    And I also found a useful script that finds the next sink and switches to it. I made a .desktop/launcher and it's just a click.


    declare -i sinks=(`pacmd list-sinks | sed -n -e 's/\**index:\(\)/\1/p'`)

    declare -i sinks_count=${#sinks}

    declare -i active_sink_index=`pacmd list-sinks | sed -n -e 's/\*index:\(\)/\1/p'`

    declare -i next_sink_index=${sinks}

    #find the next sink (not always the next index number)

    declare -i ord=0

    while ;


    echo ${sinks}

    if [ ${sinks ; then




    let ord++


    #change the default sink

    pacmd "set-default-sink ${next_sink_index}"

    #move all inputs to the new sink

    for app in $(pacmd list-sink-inputs | sed -n -e 's/index:\(\)/\1/p');


    pacmd "move-sink-input $app $next_sink_index"


    #display notification

    declare -i ndx=0

    pacmd list-sinks | sed -n -e 's/device.description="\(.*\)"/\1/p' | while read line;


    if ; then

    notify-send -i notification-audio-volume-high --hint=string-canonical-private-synchronous: "Sound output switched to" "$line"



    let ndx++


    So now I'm not dependent on pavucontrol at least.

  • I think it would be helpfull to tell what is your hardware. I am new to KaOS but I've seen again similar problems in other linux forums. Searching with google shows that people who use other distributions like Ubuntu or Arch etc have faced identical or similar problems.

    This is how one user solved a similar problem (the bug was about older versions of linux kernel -- just an example, the problem might be totally different):

  • This is my desktop. I use Breeze widget style and window decoration. I also use a slightly modified Breeze color theme. I just made the titlebar have the same color as the window background. Desktop theme is "Unity Ambiance". : I think that it is good for side panels. Emerald is the icon theme. I modified slightly Archey python script (the original is found here: ). The author says he will write something better from scratch. I created a KDE ASCII logo.

    The slightly modified version is temporarily here:

  • The themes are ok. No need to change them. Generally, I like dark black and/or dark transparent themes more though. I really liked the wallpapers. I use "92_III" but basically I liked all of them. The splash scren is nice but I think a splash screen with the KaOS logo would also be a good idea. Kaos theme for Chrome was also good and I use it.

    My proposal about the icons would be Emerald theme which is based on Breeze and Flattr ( ). An example / comparison:

    There are icon themes which are probably better than both of those two but from those I've tried I prefer Emerald.