Sorry, that is not a pacman.log
Best use Octopi then (again, see the link to the docs page to give useful info).
Octopi > Tools > SysInfo
paste the link that returns here. Output so far shows no explanation why linux-next was updated/installed
linux-next installed while upgrading!
Issue for Nvidia failing is found, please update (after making sure your mirror is synced).
Still would like to see your SysInfo for linux-next
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Octopi > Tools > SysInfo gives me a little windows with the following text:
Error: "\xE2" on US-ASCII
I'm trying to sync my mirrors but I'm getting "'main' is not synced." (but "is synced." for 'core' and 'apps'). sudo pacman -Syy downloads something for core, main and apps and sudo pacman -Syu says "is up to date" for core, main and apps, but I keep getting "'main' is not synced." in Octopi.
If useful, I can post my /var/log/pacman.log
Edit: Just after posting "'main' is not synced." in Octopi disapeared. I'll try and report back.
Ok. Nvidia is working again after update. Thanks.
I'm still getting Error: "\xE2" on US-ASCII from Octopi > Tools > SysInfo after reboot, but everything seems to be working fine.
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pacman has no say over when the mirror you use syncs with the main mirror, that is why the tool mirror-check is build into octopi. Updating a system on a (partial) unsynced is just not an option in a rolling distro.
Some mirrors are set to run a cron job hourly, others 4-6 times a day, KaOS has no control over that.
Petty SysInfo tool is showing issues, probably due to not supported language/characters.
But yes, full pacman.log might help figuring why linux-next was added.
And add the output of pacman -Qm
(DKMS message in octopi...)
Ok. pacman log is in and the output of pacman -Qm is:
brutalchess 0.5.2-2
exfat-utils 1.2.4-1
fping 3.13-1
franz 3.0.2-1
hstr 1.19-1
libcurl-compat 7.49.0-1
nbwmon 0.3.1-1
owncloud-client 2.2.1-1
performous 1.0-1
performous-freesongs 20100713-1
photoqt 1.4-1
putty 0.67-1
samsung-uld-printer 1.00.36_00.91-1
speedtest-cli 0.3.4-1
spotify 1.0.31-1
swh-plugins 0.4.15-1
vscode 1.1.1-1
xdm 5.0.47-1
That is a lot of packages not from the repos.....
What is the output of:
pacman -Qi dkms
Where did you gate all these packages from? Self compiled?
Thank you for the help in advance,
I have been using KAOS for a few months now and I have not had any problems until now.
I also updated almost immediately after it came out and now the exact same thing happened to me. I cannot get past the initial boot stage before the screen goes dark, any help or ideas would be appreaciated.
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You will have to be a lot clearer then this to be able to help you.
What exact same thing? You also have all these unsupported, non KaOS repo packages installed?
I also updated almost immediately after it came out
What is 'it'?
You have nvidia issues?
If non of those, then please open a new topic and explain your issue.
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demm pacman -Qi dkms
Output of pacman -Qi dkms:
Name : dkms
Version :
Description : Dynamic Kernel Module Support
Architecture : x86_64
Licenses : GPL2
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : bash kmod gcc make patch
Optional Deps : linux-headers [installed]
Required By : None
Optional For : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Installed Size : 172.00 KiB
Packager : Unknown Packager
Build Date : Mon Jun 20 12:43:01 2016
Install Date : Mon Jun 20 12:43:09 2016
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : Yes
Validated By : None
I got all of them from KCP (the packages listed with pacman -Qm).
As demm says, you need to provide more information so others can understand what's happening in your case. I'm being able to login to KDE (past the screen goes dark), so not exactly the same thing.
Anyway, when I was setting up nvidia on my laptop, I was stuck on (probably) the same point as you are now. Deleting (renaming) /etc/X11/xorg.conf and rebooting solved the problem for me.
Hope it helps.
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It seems that nvidia-bumblebee is not compatible with Linux kernel 4.6. I need to uninstall bumblebee to upgrade KaOS 2016.06. After updated, you can no longer install bumblebee in KaOS.
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
:: nvidia-bumblebee: requires linux
In terminal
$ sudo pacman -S nvidia-bumblebee
a resolver dependências...
atenção: não é possível resolver "linux<4.6", uma dependência de "nvidia-bumblebee"
:: O seguinte pacote não pode ser actualizado devido a dependências não resolvidas:
:: Deseja ignorar o pacote acima para esta atualização? [s/N]
erro: falhou ao preparar a transação (não foi possível cumprir as dependências)
:: nvidia-bumblebee: exige linux<4.6
Thanks for reporting, issue corrected, pacman -Syu again and nvidia-bumblebee can be installed
demm Thanks, the installation was a success!