Well, I have make an Update (or better I try it) and the folling errormessages appears:

Error:Could nor perform the operation (conflict files) Krita: /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/krita.mo exists in the file system
Errors have occurred, no packages have been updated.

It is a germen installation, I have translate this message in english!
Can anyone can explain this error?


    hi mikewarer, Can you try to type on konsole/yakuake the next command?
    pacman -Qo /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/krita.mo

    If it's an output (something like /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/krita.mo is owned by krita 3.1.1-2) then try to uninstall and reinstall it, if no then remove it with
    sudo rm /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/krita.mo

    Post the full output first, including the command you used to update, not just a snippet.

    The repos only have one of that file:

    $ pkgfile -vri /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/krita.mo
    apps/krita 3.1.1-2      /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/krita.mo

    Nothing has helped!
    When I removed krita.mo, build the database new and tried to install again, there are similar errors from a cups-file and then one from plasma,.... and so on.
    I have complete remove kaos and has installed from scratch with the newest ISO.
    Hmmh, perhaps Kaos has a problem with virtual-machines--> I have installed it into VirtualBox.
    No matter, now Kaos is back an my machine 🙂 and everything is ok again.

    No one can help you if you give no info, we cannot see your output or what you are doing. There was zero need to reinstall in this situation, nor has it any to do with a virtual machine, just check what owns a conflicting file as was asked.
    But to get these conflicts you are not using pacman properly, so you will get the same situation if you do not alter.

    Again though, DO NOT post acting like we can see your output, always post full logs and cli output.