New user. Excellent distro. Like the defaults as such. Found one issue on current/latest KaOS release.

When logging in to the system for the first time or waking up after sleep password keep showing as we are typing. Not the whole password as such but the letter which is getting typed showing up in the screen others become dots. Anyone seeing this? Thanks

First one, logging in, is default behavior for sddm, nothing KaOS specific. Oops, forgot, it is KaOS specific, set in the Midna sddm theme:
You can adjust that time kate /usr/share/sddm/themes/midna/Input.qml and set line 94 to your preferred, probably 0.

Second, I can't reproduce, you mean screenlocker? Can you replicate just on lockscreen? Or just on wake from sleep?

4 days later

I saw it on the sleep to wake screen. But I am not seeing it now.

But booting in for the first time i see the letters of the password appearing one at a time (the latest last letter). The last letter stays permanently even after pressing enter to log in. I tried changing the theme to something else. It still shows up.

I am not sure whether developers has plans to stop this as this to me is a slight security issue. Because I have not seen this in any other distro. I am using KDE Neon in another partition which is not showing this.

Thanks for your response.

  • demm replied to this.

    nellai I tried changing the theme to something else

    What theme did you try to change? So far, it should only show in SDDM, so did you change that theme? And changed to what?
    There are no plans to change the Midna sddm theme for this, it is exactly the same behavior you see in many apps, like on android, browser apps etc. Plus I showed you already how you can simply change it if it bothers you.

    Sorry I mistook SDDM theme for the actual system theme. I changed line 94 to 0 (it was 1000 before). Now it works fine. Solved the issue what I asked in the first place.

    Thanks for your help.

    a month later