Wishing you a happy and successful New Year. Many thanks for providing a great OS. What on earth do I put this post under.::
Hello there! I have a quick question. Im looking for white KaOS icon (.png) to add it for rEFind ( default there is no such icon - only linux pinguin one). Maybe You have such one? Ive been lo...
Hello there! I have a question. I can't find any repo i...
Yes it is! It broke my heart when I couldn't get Virtual Box to work. Had to go back to Debian yesterday 'cuz of this. My work revolves around VirtualBox, and my bosses won't change their mind...
Hello there, I have a quesiton to You guys. What are Your favourites programs when it comes to: 1 - Internet Browser 2 - Video Player 3 - Music Player 4 - Graphic Program /T...
Hello, does someone know if it is possible to set history length in Krunner. Especially after typing few first chars of ...
Hi to everyone, here is my telegram channel https://t.me/gviewkaos for those who are using KaOS(And other Distro (ubuntu, arch etc..)). The ...
Hi all. I'm a Amarok fan and, nowadays, I have an Opensuse VM running in Kaos just to play whit Amarok. I'm wondering if is possible to add the last version of Amarok (2.9.7, in Opensuse) to Kaos. ...
With any chromium-based browser (and even Atom as that is based on chromium) it is quite laggy on any Linux distros. This is due to excessive CPU use (press shift+esc to v...
I plan to buy a new laptop with Nvidia card, since i've not buying such a card since 2001, i want to know what i can expect. Since spec are open now in new kernel 5.3 will have a fresh fixes probab...
I can't remember what i used as a password. I haven't used Kaos in a long time and haven't a clue what it could be. I've tried all the ones i would use. How can i reset my password?
I support KaOS by small donation, but I am not at donor list - WHY?
Out of curiosity do people know of any projects with similar goals to KaOS but for other toolkits/DEs?
Hello! I used for years Thunderbird. It was far from perfect, but usable. But they developers force us to setup Thunderbird from scratch in last two (sub)versions. This is mad and insane! I hav...
Although I'm a developer, I've been always interested in software testing issues. It seems to me that it's rather challenging to test scalable and high-performance applications as the requirements ...
I've just notice very interesting GPS software, at least for KDE, but not limited to, since i don't see such a software, ever, nor use it, i want to share it and nominate to be added in repo, if it...
Hi guys! Do you like computer games?
@demm Definitely necro'd an old post by not paying attention to the date however, my RSS received a notification from a dead Dis...
Instead of technical issues, troubleshooting and those annoying things, I just want to share with you all a pleasant surprise. I had my gaming/work laptop a bit abandoned, so I just wanted to c...
Hey Guys
Am I crazy, I thought about 6 months ago (or more) standard Android utils was in the repo? If not it's not big deal, I'll just pull it from Google.
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