The usual monthly KDE updates have moved to all users. This is basically a bug fix release for all three, Plasma, KDE Apps & Frameworks. For what has changed see:
With the release today of 5.16.0 final, this major new Plasma version is now ready to move to all users. It has bee...
Linux-next5.1.2 was just uploaded with a severe Intel CVE addressed, see:
A major update is coming your way again. KDE Applications 19.04 was released yesterday and is now ready to move to all KaOS users. It has been in the build repo for about 3 weeks, starting wit...
The semi-annual toolchain update has been done first weekend of March. This meant a move to GCC 8.3.0, Glibc 2.29, Binutils 2.32, latest linux-api-headers and some fifty packages rebuild due to so...
As many of you probably know, Google Plus will stop to exists come April. At this point, KaOS uses the forum as the main user interaction media, IRC channel is in use too, and only other ...
Second time in just a few days to announce a rather large package move. After about a month of testing Plasma 5.15, it is now
These kind of announcements for large moves have historically been done on G+, but with the shutting down of G+, better start announcing somewhere different too. A copy this time of
Since a bug with current Midna SDDM theme (no user selected on new system, thus no password works at all, unless you actually see that you need to select a user first), could not be resolved, it is...
Work is done for a complete new online package viewer. All is rewritten in go by Cellix (same person who wrote kcp in go). Tests are currently ongoing to use this package viewer in the main, ...
The buildserver hardware sponsor Dezponia has provided KaOS with a new server. The old server was put into use August 2013, received a KaOS install at that time. It served as the main KaOS bui...
With the rewrite of the Installation Guide from a PDF document to now being a QML application came the option to fully translate it using Transifex.
Friday April 6 was the day the KaOS server started having issues with mariadb. All websites that used a mysql database on that server went down that day. After some time abroad, I was able to ...
Work is ongoing for a revamped Midna theme for 2017. New wallpaper was provided by Pablo:
Flarum, the used forum software was just updated to the latest version, Beta 6. A lot has changed for the forum admins & moderators, for you as user there is the addition of using the "Quot...
Any of you wondering what is going on with the KaOS community page on G+
I wasn't exactly sure which section was most suited for this topic.
Well, here goes! I would like to request help with seeding the following torrent:
Dealing with spam is always a major concern when running a forum. So far the anti-spam measures of this new forum have held up well, but it certainly is not future proof. To unify all account ...
The GCC 5.4.0 rebuilds are now completed & tested on several internal ISOs. All has now moved to the stable repositories. This move was for nearly 1100 packages, so expect that the biggest...