Hello, I have few problems after one of last update (to plasma 6...?). Libre office is not saving new documents (save-as is not working also) - it shows file dialog, but saving did not do anyth...
Hello, after last update, left alt key is not wokring properly under X11 plasma. In Wayland, it is wokring fine.
Hello, I tried connecting to remote desktop (after long time) using krdc and something went wrong. Command: xfreerdp /u:user /v:remotepc returned: [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x...
xfreerdp /u:user /v:remotepc
[AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x...
Last update (main repo) makes keepassxc unstartable. It prints error: keepassxc needs Qt 5.15.7, but Qt 5.15.6 was found.
Hello, I was just trying language server protocol module in kate. It seems it miss commands for it to work. Like: pyls, javascript, typescript-language-server, gopls, bash-language-server and o...
Hello. For some time I having this issue of random disconnect of USB devices (keyboard, mouse). One PC disconnects mouse after boot (only partially - scrolling is still working) - disconnecting and...
Hello, just installed clean system and updated to latest packages. wine64 prints: wine: could not load ntdll.so: /lib/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.33 not found (required by /usr/bin/../...
wine: could not load ntdll.so: /lib/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.33 not found (required by /usr/bin/../...
Hello, could be mirror for Czech republic changed from: to:
Hello, something wrong with firefox after last update:
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/firefox/libxul.so: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /usr/l...
Hello, does someone know if it is possible to set history length in Krunner. Especially after typing few first chars of ...
Hello, for some time krdc not worked for me using rdp connection. It did not work on older system and is not working on clean new installation. Now I try to use freerdp and it shows:
Hello, for everyone who wants to run specific commands or applications that are not included in repositories or KCP. If it is not possible to find your desired app in flatpak or it is not conve...
Hello. Starting vim in clean installation shows:
ImportError: No module named powerline.vim
I had to add: let g:powerline_pycmd="py3" into ~/.vimrc file t...
Hello. Few updates ago midnight commander refuse to use standard keybord keys like arrow, page up/down a others. I had to remap them under menu settings. I tried it under clear installation and las...
Hello. Current KaOS (Plasma 5.12.4, QT: 5.10.1) still have a problem with small width of plaintext emails under Trojita IMAP client. It should be this bug:
I just put few vectors together tonight. Maybe someone can use it or improve it... Or not
Hello, when I try to run Umbrello from desktop shortcut, it fails with message: cannot find program umbrello55. Because program name is actually: umbrello5.
Hello, is there some dependancy problem with inkscape? I em not able to finish installation because of missing: pyxml.
Hello, I em having problem with writing diacritics using compose key (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key) in Cz...
Hello, did anyone experience this wierd lag after ctrl+c inside non-QupZilla window and then returning to QupZilla windows? In this moment QupZilla stops responding for a while. It seems to me ...