when I run pacman to update I get: "error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: installing dbus-python2 (1.2.10-1) breaks dependency 'dbus-python' required by pyqt-pyth...
Siempre me aparece este error:
error: failed retrieving file 'widevine-78.0.3876.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.math.princeton.edu : The requested URL returned error: 404
Eso f...
Could you explain the Pacman output message "scandir: No such file or directory" when the last few next kernels have been update. Since ??? Thanks.
:: Synchronizing package databases... core is up to date main is up to date apps is up to date :: Starting full system upgrade... warning: python3-urllib3: local (1.25.1-1) i...
Hello. I can not update packages due to a package conflict caused by gst-plugins-bad Octopi
Hi, after updating the system today and restarting I had some errors, among others I did not load the panel or the wallpaper. Sysinfo....
Hello, I find that I cannot run an update from octopi in a terminal.
Using the qtermwidget5 terminal reports that /usr/lib/octopi/octopi-helper is missing.
This file is not incl...
After installing lightworks I get the following error when trying to run it.
/usr/lib/lightworks/ntcardvt: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.0.0: cannot open shar...
Instalando los paquetes seleccionados...
resolving dependencies... warning: cannot resolve "crossguid", a dependency of "kodi"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to...
Hello community, I am new with this distribution, my previous distribution was manjaro, when I tried kaos I found that it is more stable and faster but I have a problem which consists of packages t...
Hi, The octopi Notifier has been unable to detect new updates for the past week or two. I have to open up octopi and manually click "Check updates" for any to be found. And after having...
after the last update, I lost the connection by ethernet. http://imgur.com/4Pvvohy
ifconfig lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBA...
I use linux-next as my kernel.
After the last update (I update as soon as new updates are announced) I can no longer run Virtualbox. I get the following error message -
Hi there
Does anybody else got this issue on upgrad...
I just installed qtcreator and noticed that it lists qt5-docs as an optional depend but it doesn't exist in the repo.
It appears that filezilla is broken after todays updates.
Blockquote Reading locale option from /home/johnny/.config/filezilla/filezilla.xml Fatal Error: Mismatch betwee...
Sorry not to post before... I realized I had some issues with my server last week, it took me quite some days to repair (temporary server rental transfer, clean up, then tranfer again...) ...
My KaOS root partition no longer boots after a failed system update. I ran pacman -Syu as usual and the packages all downloaded. Errors occurred during the upgrade stage. Here are the last few line...
I don't know if I have done something wrong, but I don't have dkpg or apt-get installed. I've tried everything to install these. Please help.
After last day update, a weather widget stopped working with the following message
Error al cargar archivo QML: file:///home/raul/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.weatherWidget/...
Package management, mirror questions, update issues