I just poked around in my settings, and just noticed that under the language I got an error message saying "Translation files for the language 'sv' couldn't be found...", also if I try adding Engli...
I'm a long-time Ubuntu user. Been experimenting with KaOS for a few days. I had it running well on my desktop HD so decided to install it on my SSD. Created a 30G partition on my BIOS syste...
Running a system upgrade gave me this result.. I think something might be wrong.
[arne@arne-pc ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu Password: :: Synchronizing package databases... c...
hello, before I used to change the mirror with kdesu kate /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist but now I can not. How should I do it?. Thank you
Can you add a mirror in China? Such as https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/
I just performed a pacman update and the following error was encountered...
[2018-06-24 12:49] [ALPM] upgraded lvm2 (2.02.177-1 -> 2.02.178-1) [2018-06-24 12:49] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]...
Esto es algo que llevo tiempo viendo en distintas distros y es una verdadera ridiculez. Bueno digamos que el caso es similar a los gestores de paquetes que acompañan a algunos lenguajes de programa...
Hi all, Long time I haven't been here... Since few days I have a problem with my updates, I use the kaos.youm.org mirror (surprisingly
Octopi cant connect to Internet after install KaOS-04.iso! The error information is "Internet seems to be unavailabled!"
Octopi update notifications says there is an update. When I'm running pacman it throws error:
raul ~ $ mirror-check && LANG=C sudo pacman -Syyu Checking core main apps... ...
Luego de la actualización de hoy, uno de los paquetes que se actualizaron fue virtualbox este a su ultima versión 5.2.2 si embargo no funciona, no inicia, el error es el siguiente: VirtualBox ...
Anyone know if there is a application or a way to detect orphan packages in pacman, packages without any dependence? For deb there is debfoster and deborphan.
-- Mike
When I try to run: sudo pacman -Syu, the command fails because the file atom-1.22.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is damaged (incorrect verification sum). Pacman asks if I want to delete the fi...
Hello I tried to upgrade my system. Here is why it can't be done: error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) util-linux: /usr/share/man/man8/rfkill.8.gz exists in filesyst...
When I tried to look for updates, the following warning appears, it says that the plasma-workspace in my machine is newer than the apps repo. I never enabled build or kde-next repo.
Note: I...
 Fehler: Konnte den Vorgang nicht vorbereiten (Kann Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllen) :: nvidia-340xx: das Installieren von linux (4.12.10-1) verletzt Abhängigkeit von 'linux<4.12'
Good day! I have been using KaOS for the past one month now....simply love it. Of course the learning curve been steep compared to other distros that I used before, but I embrace the challe...
Package management, mirror questions, update issues