A lightweight version of plasmashell is being developed by KDE: https://github.com/KDE/liquidshell/blob/master...
Plasma 5.14 beta was released today and is available in the KaOS [build] repo this time. No kde-next due to lo...
After creating a new toolchain with the latest binutils & glibc, it became clear the very latest versions of those two represent too many issues. Glibc 2.28 already needs 3 major patches to be ...
The kde-next repo is re-opened for the next major update of Qt. 5.11RC is now up, full rebuilds of Frameworks & Plasma are also included. A few apps are already rebuild, expect there will be ...
Not the usual case where the updated package is broken, but removal this time is because of makepkg/libmakepkg is not ready yet for this new file version. As is now, it is breaking the buildsystem...
With the release today of Plasma 5.11.95 (5.12 Beta) it is time again to use kde-next for the next 3 weeks or so.
Anyone using the build repo, you should have most fixes by now for the above CVE's. A script is now available to test your systems' vulnerability,
Fatrat not work, this is the error message: fatrat fatrat: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_system.so.1.65.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The hardened patches are not ready for 4.14, thus it was tried to build linux-next without them (it might be the hardening project is stopping, so there possibly won't be any 4.14 patches at all).<...
With the release today of Plasma 5.11 beta it is time again to use kde-next for the next 3 weeks or so. https:/...
See the upstream announcement: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/mariadb-10127-release-notes/...
176.07.90 has entered the [build] repo. This time no [kde-next] for this update since the beta release was mostly skipped. Final tag will be in 7 days, so if issues are found it will simply stay in...
Time again to use the [kde-next] repo. Qt.5.9 beta3 is already up there. So is a complete rebuild of Frameworks 5.34.0. Plus Plasma 5.10 beta will be available in kde-next too. Rebuilds a...
Can anyone confirm complete system freezes with the new linux-firmware in the build repo on amdgpu systems? Seems most of the new firmware was amdgpu related, which is these freezes here, fixed...
Konsole history (up and down arrows) is printing out the content of the bash history file. Please see if you can reproduce. Thanks.
The kde-next repo is reopened to get ready for Qt 5.8.0 and plasma 5.9. Both are now up in kde-next in their pre-release versions. Qt is build from the just released 5.8 RC tars, Plasma is ...
I've noticed for about a week now that the applications menu will not keep "favorites" after logout. When you log back in they are gone. This is the case whether the default panel is on the right...
Official Qt has depreciated QtWebkit. The last few releases are in not really supported "community releases". A group of developers has started a new fork of Qt based webkit. This fork might ...
I can't get grub re-installed, I'm running the usual commands, but now the grub-mkconfig command will not complete. It just hangs at "Found fallback initramfs image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback...
How can I get Firefox to load the google sites as it did before. For the last three or so days Firefox will not load any of the google sites, the error code is saying the sites are not secure. I ...
Comments, issues, questions regarding the newly added packages in the repo